Analysis of the Industrial Townsite Selectionbymulti-Criteria in Tabriz County by Utilizing Decision Making Models


    Today, locate the user in the appropriate direction of realization of a proper development is one of the necessary planning in the national and regional levels. In addition to the economic benefits, location the appropriate place for the establishment of industries is important in order to reduce and cut abnormal its effects on the environment. The aim of this descriptive-analytic study refers to determine the criteria affecting the location of industrial zone based on analytical method, collecting data, library studies and field observations. In this study, 10 indicators of natural, geographical, and environmental and land zoning by multi-criteria decision model (TOPSIS, Vikor, Electra and Saw) were attempting to determine appropriate locations for industrial zone. According to studies and apply the weight of AHP model and GIS software can be mentioned that earthquake, and topography of pollution are the most responsible factors in positioning the industrial town of Tabriz. Meanwhile East of Tabriz is appropriate for industrial zones. In addition, the maps obtained by applying weights north and south zones of Tabriz highland regions are close industrial town location is inappropriate. More specifically, the 224,045 hectares of land in Tabriz, 100,957 hectares (=45 percent) of fourth zone for the construction of Industrial town is completely appropriate and third zone 3 is totally inappropriate for the construction of Industrial town.


Analysis of the Industrial Townsite Selectionbymulti-Criteria in Tabriz County by Utilizing Decision Making Models


M.A. Khaliji

Young Researchers and Elite club, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran

Z.S.S. Zarabadi[1]

Assistant Professor, Department of Art and Architecture, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran



    Today, locate the user in the appropriate direction of realization of a proper development is one of the necessary planning in the national and regional levels. In addition to the economic benefits, location the appropriate place for the establishment of industries is important in order to reduce and cut abnormal its effects on the environment. The aim of this descriptive-analytic study refers to determine the criteria affecting the location of industrial zone based on analytical method, collecting data, library studies and field observations. In this study, 10 indicators of natural, geographical, and environmental and land zoning by multi-criteria decision model (TOPSIS, Vikor, Electra and Saw) were attempting to determine appropriate locations for industrial zone. According to studies and apply the weight of AHP model and GIS software can be mentioned that earthquake, and topography of pollution are the most responsible factors in positioning the industrial town of Tabriz. Meanwhile East of Tabriz is appropriate for industrial zones. In addition, the maps obtained by applying weights north and south zones of Tabriz highland regions are close industrial town location is inappropriate. More specifically, the 224,045 hectares of land in Tabriz, 100,957 hectares (=45 percent) of fourth zone for the construction of Industrial town is completely appropriate and third zone 3 is totally inappropriate for the construction of Industrial town.


Keywords: Industry, Sustainable development, TOPSIS, Electra, GIS, Tabriz.

[1]. Corresponding author:, Tel: +989121078853

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