Evaluation the Effective Factors on Rural Land Use Management in Mammasani County (by Utilizing Topsis Model and Swot)


   In modern life, the different levels of social and economic activities of the individuals that led to the formation of the needs, desires and expectations of their demand for land use. This change in management decisions and policies, especially in policies and land management in the geographical space or spaces organized including rural areas provides the context of the strategic decision. This descriptive- analytical study is practical and its purpose refers to assess the appropriate use and management of land use from rural lands of villages in the central section of Mammasani county. In order to analysis the preliminary data findings of the research examined by SWOT model that 10 point of strength, 11 threats, 10 weakness, 10 opportunity and 18  strategy have been presented. Finally, strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities were ranked by the experts’ viewpoint based on TOPSIS techniques. On the base of TOPSIS technique shows that threats have the most influence in optimization and usage balanced rural development and opportunities are placed at the second rank. Hence, for a balanced development and land use optimization in this part defensive strategy should be considered as priority.


Evaluation the Effective Factors on Rural Land Use Management in Mammasani County (by Utilizing Topsis Model and Swot)


A. Shamsoddini[1]

Young Researchers and Elite Club, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran

M.R. Amiri Fahliyani

 Ph.D student in Geography and Urban Planning, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran



   In modern life, the different levels of social and economic activities of the individuals that led to the formation of the needs, desires and expectations of their demand for land use. This change in management decisions and policies, especially in policies and land management in the geographical space or spaces organized including rural areas provides the context of the strategic decision. This descriptive- analytical study is practical and its purpose refers to assess the appropriate use and management of land use from rural lands of villages in the central section of Mammasani county. In order to analysis the preliminary data findings of the research examined by SWOT model that 10 point of strength, 11 threats, 10 weakness, 10 opportunity and 18  strategy have been presented. Finally, strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities were ranked by the experts’ viewpoint based on TOPSIS techniques. On the base of TOPSIS technique shows that threats have the most influence in optimization and usage balanced rural development and opportunities are placed at the second rank. Hence, for a balanced development and land use optimization in this part defensive strategy should be considered as priority.


Keywords: Rural land, Optimization, Development of balanced usage, Topsis Model, Swot, Mammasani.

[1]. Corresponding Author: A_shamsoddini@miau.ac.ir, Tel: +7143112201 

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