The Evaluation and Environmental Assessment, Appropriate Pattern in order to Recognition Regional of Capabilities with Emphasis on Agriculture (Case Study: Cultivation of saffron in the County Qaenat


Nowadays, comprehensive agricultural development and principles can be achieved based on accurate scientific method and understand the potency of each area and environmental capabilities. One of these methods is the use of Geographical Information System that derived the potency and zoning of variety of agricultural products through different models and algorithms. The aim of this research refers to the comprehensive evaluation of potency cultivation of agricultural crops with planning approach and understanding of the natural ingredient and elements in cultivation of saffron in Qaenat and Zirko county by using Geographical Information System capability through AHP model. In this study, after collecting information and theoretical foundations and preparing different layers, a process of hierarchical analysis was used to determine interest-prone areas. In this case, the different stages including: the weight of the layers and their overlapping, and ultimately obtaining final map that indicates the various zones for saffron Cultivation. Layers of this study are as follows; parameter average maximum annual of temperature, average minimum annual of temperature, PH soil, elevation, annual precipitation, slope, land use. The results showed that more than 2,746 (17/60%) of the region for cultivation of saffron is very suitable without limitation but severely restricted zone with area of 2126 km² (13/62%) is existed. Also, yielding zones were compared with current land without restrictions. Moreover, some parts of the area under that is now under saffron cultivation is not possible to exploit.


The Evaluation and Environmental Assessment, Appropriate Pattern in order to Recognition Regional of Capabilities with Emphasis on Agriculture

 (Case Study: Cultivation of saffron in the County Qaenat and Zirko)


J. Mikaniki

Associate Professor Geography and Rural Planning, University of Birjand,Birjand, Iran

H. A. Sadeghi [1]  

Phd Student of  Geography and Rural Planning, Uneversity of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

M. Fadaei

M.A in Geography and Rural Planning, Uneversity of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran



     Nowadays, comprehensive agricultural development and principles can be achieved based on accurate scientific method and understand the potency of each area and environmental capabilities. One of these methods is the use of Geographical Information System that derived the potency and zoning of variety of agricultural products through different models and algorithms. The aim of this research refers to the comprehensive evaluation of potency cultivation of agricultural crops with planning approach and understanding of the natural ingredient and elements in cultivation of saffron in Qaenat and Zirko county by using Geographical Information System capability through AHP model. In this study, after collecting information and theoretical foundations and preparing different layers, a process of hierarchical analysis was used to determine interest-prone areas. In this case, the different stages including: the weight of the layers and their overlapping, and ultimately obtaining final map that indicates the various zones for saffron Cultivation. Layers of this study are as follows; parameter average maximum annual of temperature, average minimum annual of temperature, PH soil, elevation, annual precipitation, slope, land use. The results showed that more than 2,746 (17/60%) of the region for cultivation of saffron is very suitable without limitation but severely restricted zone with area of 2126 km² (13/62%) is existed. Also, yielding zones were compared with current land without restrictions. Moreover, some parts of the area under that is now under saffron cultivation is not possible to exploit.


Keywords: Regional Capabilities, Saffron Cultivation, GIS, Saffron, Qaenat and Zirko.

[1]. Corresponding Author:, Tel: +989166904491 

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