Identifying and Prioritizing the Radical Factors Influencing Regional Competitiveness (Case study: Kurdistan Province)
H. Dadashpoor[1]
Assistant Professor of Urban and Regional Planning, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran. Iran.
M. Dadejani
Expert of Regional Planning, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran. Iran
Globalization growth and rapid changes in global environment made the issue of regional competitiveness increasingly important in accelerating the development of local communities. One of the consequences of globalization is the emergence of strong local economies which their GDP, in some cases, are more than the GDP of many countries. From the 1990s, the concept of regional competitiveness in the public assemblies of developed countries and some developing countries has become a major issue through which the countries can make a clear set of policies to stimulate the development of their own regions. Under this circumstances, the purpose of this study refers to identify and prioritize the most important factors that contribute to the development of the Kurdistan province. This descriptive-analytical study, regarding to the typology of regional competitiveness studies is an exploratory research, is based on qualitative and quantitative data. Quantitative data have been gathered through documentary studies and qualitative data through questionnaire-distribution. At first, based on the theoretical and empirical literature studies, the regional competitiveness evaluation factors of study has composed of 4 main factors, 26 criteria and 62 sub-criteria then by identifying and prioritizing the factors influenced regional competitiveness in the Kurdistan province by means of the MSA analytical model and Excel software used to analyze the gathered data via questionnaire-distribution among 29 experts engaged in 8 main economic drivers of the region. The results indicate that in the first level, the "economic factor" with 0.24, "institutional-political factor," with 0.18 and in the second level, sub-criteria such as "efficiency of production system" with 0.44 and "public policy" with 0.43 have the greatest impact on improving the competitiveness of the Kurdistan region. Therefore, with regard to the economic drivers of the region, "forestry", "agriculture" and "building" with 1.32, 1.17 and 1.04 are the most competitive activity sectors of region, respectively.
Keywords: Regional competitiveness, Competitive advantage, Regional development, Kurdistan.
[1] . Corresponding Author: h-dadashpoor@modares.ac.ir, Tel:+989123540290