Analysis the Influenced Factors on Physical Development of Rahim Abad City (Rodsar Township) in the last two Decades


        Physical development of city is a process in which physical limits of city and its physical spaces increase over time in terms of quantitative and qualitative through horizontal and vertical dimensions. Through process of urban development, territory outskirts of the Gilan province is affected and leaded to land use change in line with the needs of the urban population to new housing. The purpose of this cross - sectional study is analysis of influence factors on physical development of Rahim Abad city, situated in the eastern region of Gilan Province that caused to changes in agricultural land use during 1991-2011. The required information is obtained via documentary and field studies. The results of this study indicated that Rahim Abad city has experienced two types of physical development during the year under review. The first process is fairly balanced and proportionate to natural increase of population during 1991-2001 with little impact on agricultural land use change,and the second process had sharp and accelerated effect during the years 2001-2011 that approximately 53 acres of agricultural land changed to urban construction. Also, results showed that the influence of environmental, economic, social and political issues in the physical development of Rahim Abad. For instance, communication networks were improved while increasing population from social aspect. On the other hand, building Polrood dam as development planning had much influence on this city than environmental and economic factors from political aspect.


Analysis the Influenced Factors on Physical Development of Rahim Abad City (Rodsar Township) in the last two Decades


E. Pourramzan

Assistant Prof of Geography and Rural Planning, Islamic Azad University, Rasht Branch, Rasht, Iran

M. Majd Rahimabadi[1]

M.A in Geography and Rural planning, Islamic Azad University, Rasht Branch, Rasht, Iran



        Physical development of city is a process in which physical limits of city and its physical spaces increase over time in terms of quantitative and qualitative through horizontal and vertical dimensions. Through process of urban development, territory outskirts of the Gilan province is affected and leaded to land use change in line with the needs of the urban population to new housing. The purpose of this cross - sectional study is analysis of influence factors on physical development of Rahim Abad city, situated in the eastern region of Gilan Province that caused to changes in agricultural land use during 1991-2011. The required information is obtained via documentary and field studies. The results of this study indicated that Rahim Abad city has experienced two types of physical development during the year under review. The first process is fairly balanced and proportionate to natural increase of population during 1991-2001 with little impact on agricultural land use change,and the second process had sharp and accelerated effect during the years 2001-2011 that approximately 53 acres of agricultural land changed to urban construction. Also, results showed that the influence of environmental, economic, social and political issues in the physical development of Rahim Abad. For instance, communication networks were improved while increasing population from social aspect. On the other hand, building Polrood dam as development planning had much influence on this city than environmental and economic factors from political aspect.


Keywords: City, Physical development, Use change, Agricultural land, Rahim Abad city.

[1] . Corresponding author:,Tel: +989112846063 

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