Analysis of the content of the national security strategy of the United States of America towards China (2001-2021)


1 PhD student Department of International Relations, Kish International Unit, Islamic Azad University, Kish Island, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran.

3 Professor of the Department of Political Science and International Relations, Gilan University, Rasht, Iran.


Since China is becoming the most important economic and military power in the world after America; The purpose of writing this article is to analyze the national security strategies of the United States of America towards China (2001-2021) in order to determine how the United States behaved and will behave with China in these strategies (confrontation or cooperation or both) in response to the hypothesis that "increasing interdependence between countries reduces the possibility of conflict between them." Therefore, cooperation in the economic and commercial fields makes countries benefit more and at the same time realize that the cost of conflict has increased. For this purpose, integrated content analysis research method (quantitative and qualitative) and MAXQDA software have been used. The results showed: In the quantitative part, the highest percentage of words and paragraphs used was about China in 2021, and in the qualitative part of the strategies, it was that since 2001, the United States has encouraged China to cooperate as a committed global player and integration into the world system, but over time, it has turned to the strategy of confronting and containing China and welcoming cooperation at the same time. The competition and cooperation between these two countries, although sometimes accompanied by hostility and tension in various military and political fields, but in connection with economic exchanges, they are incredibly intertwined, in such a way that the amount of exchanges between China and the United States has reached 700 billion dollars per year; Instead of conflict, these two countries have reached comprehensive cooperation.


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