Modeling the structural relationships between the brand equity of a tourism destination and its brand personality; Case study: Jolfa border city in East Azerbaijan province


1 University of tehran

2 yazd

3 university of tehran


It should be noted that branding a place is not the end of the road and the brand of that destination is effective as long as it has a high brand equity; Brand personality is also a concept by which tourists measure a tourism destination with human characteristics and judge it; Considering the importance of brand equity and the impact it can have on the personality of the said figure in the minds of tourists, the purpose of this research is to evaluate the effects of brand equity on the tourism brand personality of Jolfa city; this research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive in terms of survey type; Data collection was done in library and field based on questionnaire tool and collected data was analyzed in SPSS25 and AMOS24 software. The findings showed that all the following components of brand equity in the tourism destination of Jolfa city are effective on the brand personality of this city; In this regard, the greatest impact is related to perceived quality and brand loyalty with coefficients of 0.81 and 0.78, respectively, and brand image with a coefficient of 0.66 and knowledge of Jolfa tourism brand with a coefficient of 0.53 are in the next categories. The fact that the quality and loyalty of the destination brand have such a significant effect on the brand personality of the studied area indicates the fact that the operators of the destination should provide their satisfaction and loyalty by increasing the quality of facilities, services and tourist experience. in the tourist seasons, strengthening information methods with emphasis on the existing platforms, designing a destination-specific symbol, price of signboards in different places and routes leading to attractions, etc. were some of the suggestions that fit the findings. The research was presented at the end of this research
