On the Evaluation of Projects Management of Rural Guide Plans' Implementation by PMBOK Method in the West of Guilan Province


1 Professor Department of Geography, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran

2 Ph.D. Candidate, Geography and Rural Planning, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran


Today, there is a lot of pressure to provide fast results in projects, and to succeed in a project, several factors must be considered to reduce the risk factors in management. Project management is planning and directing the project in the framework of time, cost, and specific quality to create specific results. Project management includes scheduling, organizing, monitoring of implementation and directing the implementation and tries to deliver the specified, expected and on time results using an agreed pre-set expense by means of the right resources. In other words, project management means utilizing the necessary knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to manage the flow of activities in order to meet the needs and expectations of custodians of project implementation. Organizations set up different software projects according to their objectives and needs. In the present study, the methodology and data collection method were descriptive-analytical research and also library and field study, respectively. The study area was located in the West of Guilan province. The projects of rural guide plans' implementation in the west of Guilan province which includes Astara, Talesh, Rezvanshahr and Masal cities were 115 projects for the time span (2011 to 2015). The results based on the ranking of the areas of project management of rural guide plans' implementation in the west of Guilan and their prioritization show that changing the project quality management with a final rank 2.04, is at first rank and a project logistics management with a final rank of 4.2 was at the last rank which shows the managerial status of the preparation, formulation, and implementation of rural guide projects.


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