Designing a City branding model with a tourism development approach in Shiraz


1 . Professor, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Economics, Management and Accounting, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

2 Graduate Doctorate in Business Administration (Marketing), University of Yazd, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

4 Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Economics, Management and Accounting, University of Yazd, Iran


Tourism destination branding is one of the effective strategies for attracting tourists and an effective tool for marketing tourism destinations. In this regard, the present study aimed to formulate and present a model of urban branding with the approach of tourism development in Shiraz. The present research is a kind of mixed (qualitative and quantitative) research that is based on the data-based approach. The statistical population includes current or former senior managers of the Cultural Heritage and Tourism Organization, Islamic Consultative Assembly and City Council representatives, in the qualitative part with 16 snowball method and in the quantitative part with simple random method 73 person as the study sample. Selected. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and questionnaires. Data analysis was done in three stages of open coding, axial and selective coding using Max Keyuda software and the research qualitative model was extracted from the subjective patterns and opinions of the individuals. Structural equation modeling using PLS software was used. The findings of the research led to identifying causal conditions, contextual conditions, intervening conditions, as well as strategies and consequences of branding in Shiraz. Competitiveness variable with coefficient of 0.777, in the intervening variable role of government with coefficient of 0.504, in context of variable variables of tourist attractions with coefficient of 0.336, in relation to strategies formulation of branding mechanism with coefficient of 0.542. 0 and in relation to the consequences social achievement factor with 0.606 has the most role in explaining the branding model of Shiraz.


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