The spatial organization of in-city structures, with emphasis on the location of the gas station, is based on the linearly integrated linear weighted model (WLC) method in the GIS environment (Case Study: region19 of Tehran)


1 PhD student In Geography and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Yedagar Imam Khomeini (RA), Ray Town, Tehran, Iran

2 Graduate student of Construction Management, Khaje Nasir-e-Din Tusi University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Pardis Branch, Tehran, Iran

4 PhD Student in Urban Planning, University of Los Angeles, Portugal, Member of Traffic Engineering Department


One of the most important points about fueling stations is their proper location. The transport sector is the most important energy consumer in most countries. In addition, gasoline-powered cars are getting more and more popular every day. The inappropriate location of these stations results in a waste of time and money as well as dissatisfaction with the users. On the other hand, the optimal location of these facilities will not only affect the quality of network traffic, but also their economic success. Accordingly, the main purpose of the present study is the spatial physical organization of urban structures with emphasis on locating petrol station using weighted linear integration (WLC) method in GIS context in Tehran 19 with descriptive-analytical methodology. That in the first stage the location of the existing stations, in the second stage the areas which (according to the criteria for locating the gas station) require gas station; using weighted linear integration model (WLC) and The ARCGIS software is specified. The maps used in the present study were scaled to different scales, and no arithmetic operations were possible. The scale-based method was used to convert them all to a standard scale between zero to one and zero to 255. In order to determine the weight of the criteria, a pairwise comparative method, which was used under the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, was produced by Expert Choice software and the AHP method to generate the criterion significance coefficients. Due to the number of criteria involved in the optimal location of petrol stations in this paper, it is attempted to test the combination of GIS capabilities and WLC model in providing a suitable location pattern of these centers. The overall result showed that in case of construction of petrol stations in Bahmanyar neighborhood, Khani Abad North will be in the first priority and Khani Abad and Esfandiari will be in the second priority. Finally, the examination of the priority areas in the output showed that these areas are in fair condition in terms of the criteria set.
Extended Abstract
Demand for public services has increased with the increase in population in Iranian cities, and especially in large cities. There is also the need to use the car and consequently create more fuel stations than ever before. Although Iran is one of the world's largest fuel reserves, gasoline and diesel have long been used as two common car fuels, like most countries in the world. Inappropriate urban growth and development has created a number of problems for cities, and proper spatial organization of urban services can be largely effective in regulating urban performance (Abdi,, 2012: 12). The issue of land and how to use it is the main context of urban planning (Soroor and Naderifar, 2013: 1). Equitable access to land and its optimal use and location is also a key component of sustainable development. Today, the concept of urban spaces and places has changed both qualitatively and physically as well as economically and socially, and has greatly enriched the dimensions of land use planning and site organization. In fact, the physical system of the city and the urban space is considered a public resource and the life and wealth of the public and the commodity, and its use can be carefully managed in the present moment to provide public benefits (Shirani, 2014: 25).
 In Iran, using an optimization method in order to determine the station traffic according to the distribution of traffic in the transportation network, to determine the places with the highest consumption due to the traffic, the station was located at the gas station. And it has become a fuel station. Finally, according to the candidate points, the nearest point to the location obtained in the previous step is considered as the suitable location for the station (Abdul Hamid b. Hj, 2009). With regard to locating it can be stated that locating and locating have a long life in human life, because man has always been trying to get to know his surroundings better and to know better the environment, in order to Find a more suitable home or better provide the food you need and those around you. The main task of urban planners and decision makers is to determine the optimal location of centers so that all urban dwellers have easy access (Ziari, 2010, 29).
The WLC model in GIS environment, which consists of five steps, was used in order to determine the status of the gas stations and determine the appropriate location for the gas station. In addition to integrating all parameters or layers together, the WLC method considers the importance of each parameter based on the weight given to that parameter. As a result, the WLC location map is highly capable of providing suitable options.
- Materials and Criteria Used: In order to determine the appropriate areas for the construction of petrol stations, criteria are needed to determine their location. For this purpose, after reviewing the sources and using the opinions of the expert group, the criteria for locating the gas station were considered as set out in Table (2). Selection criteria were considered as a combination of the most important and non-compliant uses of the gas station and criteria that reflect the overall status of the proposed site. While the necessity of using operations such as overlap, search, spatial analysis, ground reference and rasterization, provided a turning point for the effective use of ARCGIS software in the present study.
Results and discussion
In general, the issue of optimizing the location of gas station centers is one of the important issues affecting the economy of the city in various dimensions. In other words, inappropriate distribution of these land uses, in addition to high transport costs to access them, wastes citizens' time and creates traffic jams and traffic jams and the costs that they often incur. Not possible, with carry. Therefore, location analysis is one of the most important and effective projects for spatial analysis, which has a great impact on reducing costs, increasing accessibility and launching different activities. The various steps on the maps yielded the final output. As shown in Figure (8), the resulting value ranges from 0.26 to 0.54. Lands with low values ​​have the least space proportion to allocate to the gas station, respectively, as the range of values ​​increases, the proportion of lands to build these stations increases, so that the highest proportion is related to the gas stations. Lands with a value of 0.49 and above. Therefore, with equal conditions for allocating land to the gas station, priority is given to higher value land. However, the values ​​shown in the map can be helpful in deciding whether to choose the right land to be assigned to a gas station at the regional level. It should be noted, however, that the prioritization shown is proportional to the criteria used and their weight. However, if high-rated zones are occupied by other land uses in the current situation, then future priorities should be addressed if the land use is not possible or unprofitable. This model greatly reduces the limitations and complexities of the large amount of information, the inconsistencies caused by the diversity of the nature of the criteria, and also reduces the time for computation and analysis. It also has relatively good accuracy. In addition to the weighted linear combination (WLC), fuzzy methods such as (AHP) and fuzzy methods such as fuzzy AHP can also be employed in the analysis of locating gas stations. It also increased the evaluation criteria according to the research possibilities and limitations. But one of the advantages of the weighted linearity model is the simplicity and speed of operation of this model with great accuracy in location. It also uses the power of weighting to decide which of the important factors that he considers to be the most important in influencing the problem of location, and in this superiority the result of location WLC detection has better resolution between the spectra.
The final results of the study, which by examining the priority pixels introduced in the output of the model, show that these pixels have high standardized scores at levels of 0.55 for most of the criteria used in land suitability assessment. Therefore, the integration of this model with GIS can be used by decision makers as an efficient decision support system (DSS) in the process of optimally locating gas stations. The second hypothesis is then confirmed by the "weighted linear integration model suitable for locating petrol stations in the 19th district of Tehran". The overall result states that if gas stations are built, the areas will be given the first priority, the areas the second priority, and finally the priorities.


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