Obstacles and Requirements for the Realization of Sustainable Housing from the Point of View of Experts and Urban Managers (Case Study: Atabak Abandoned Texture)


1 Professor of Geography & Urban Planning, shahid beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.

2 AsistantProfessor of Geography & Urban Planning, shahid beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.

3 PhD Student of Geomorphology, shahid beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


Less sustainable development refers to sustainable housing, but planners and policymakers in the housing sector need to consider and target sustainable housing in urban development. In this research, efforts have been made to identify the most important indicators of sustainable housing. The novel and its requirements in the framework of realization of the goals of sustainable urban development in the Atabak district of Tehran are to be tested. The general purpose of this research was to design a sustainable housing realization model in the Atabak neighborhood, from the viewpoint of urban managers and land and housing experts. A survey was carried out using a questionnaire. The statistical population of this research is the managers of the National Land and Housing Organization and the institutions of the District 15 and Atabak District (1279: N). For data collection, stratified sampling method with proportional assignment was used. Using the Cochran formula, the sample size of the research (223: n) was determined. The research tool was approved by a number of experts in the field of urban planning of the faculty. The reliability of the questionnaire was obtained by using Cronbach's alpha = α = 82, for analysis of data, software Spss19, Amos22, Lisrel8.8 was used. The results of the structural equation analysis tests fit the research model to the optimal level and have a positive and significant impact on physical requirements, economic requirements, environmental requirements, technical and managerial requirements, and the realization of sustainable housing in the Atabak neighborhood. The results obtained from the coefficients The paths showed that physical requirements are the most effective hidden variable for sustainable urban development with a path coefficient of 0.803, and after that, managerial and engineering requirements with a path coefficient of 0.70 have the greatest effect on the dependent variable. Also, environmental requirements with a coefficient of 0.62 have affected sustainable urban development. Finally, economic requirements with a coefficient of 0.630 pathway have shown a great deal of influence on the dependent variable. Based on this, the researcher outlines solutions and suggestions for sustainable housing development within the scope of the study And the city of Tehran, in particular, the specific conditions of urban wastewater.
Extended Abstract
          In developed countries are focusing on sustainable housing, but in most cases they only consider sustainable housing from the perspective of energy consumption, and rarely do such countries, social, cultural, environmental, and economic issues. Consider it as an integrated policy. In many texts, affordable housing for the poor, usually in low-standard locations in remote areas, has led to little attention to the lifestyle of the residents and the ways of their livelihoods. In other words, rapid housing development, traces It will produce more carbon and will have a negative impact on the environment in the future. Still, in many developing cities, affordable housing is safe for the majority of their population, while the government considers affordable and affordable housing to be a mere responsibility the result was not executable. Urban textures of Iran are also damaged due to worn-out texture, with major environmental problems, lack of socialization, and high energy consumption in neighborhoods all of which are due to the variety of construction due to has been composed of people's needs. The mission of sustainable housing can alleviate these disruptions and create a seamless texture in neighborhoods. By examining Tehran's areas, we find that a neighborhood facing a worn-out texture problem is a viable option for sustainable housing. Because with this event, the quality of life in the neighborhood will increase and the areas of a sustainable city will be realized. . By achieving this, the quality of life in the neighborhood will increase, and sustainability standards will, in addition to providing a favorable living environment for local people, will preserve the life and survival of neighborhoods for future generations.
       The research method used in this study will be a combination of quantitative and qualitative in terms of longitudinal prospective and correlational research. In this study, field study, documentary and internet research will be used to collect data. In this research, after collecting and categorizing data, descriptive and inferential statistical methods are used for data analysis. In the present study, descriptive statistics section uses frequency distribution tables, frequency percentages, cumulative percentages, mean, median, fashion, standard deviation to classify the subjects according to different traits and describe the characteristics of the statistical population. Analytical statistics are used to determine the relationship, role, effect and mean difference of appropriate inferential statistics such as: path analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, etc. Finally, structural equation modeling (SEM) is used. All calculations performed using From SPSS 19 Amos software will be done.
Results and discussion:
          The results of the hypotheses test show the determinants of effective urban sustainable development in terms of the significant likelihood that out of the six requirements, only four variables including physical, economic, environmental, and technical and managerial requirements are included in the regression model. And. Therefore, the results of the hypothesis test are as follows: In the first main hypothesis test, the p.value of the path of physical requirements affecting the achievement of sustainable urban development is 0.001 and less than 0.05. Therefore, the hypothesis is accepted, that is, the physical requirements of the managers’ influence on sustainable urban development. In other words, the social and cultural requirements of managers have no impact on sustainable urban development. In the third hypothesis test, the p.value of economic requirements to urban sustainable development is 0.001 and less than 0.05. Therefore, the research hypothesis is accepted, namely, the economic requirements of managers influence the sustainable urban development. In the fourth main hypothesis test, p.value of environmental requirements to urban sustainable development is 0.009 and less than 0.05. Therefore, the research hypothesis is accepted, namely that environmental requirements influence managers' view of sustainable urban development. In the fifth main hypothesis test, the p.value of policy requirements to sustainable urban development is 0.225 and greater than 0.05. Therefore, the research hypothesis is rejected and the null hypothesis is accepted. In other words, policy requirements do not have an impact on sustainable urban development from the managers' point of view. Is from 0.05. Therefore, the research hypothesis is accepted, that is, the managerial and technical requirements influence managers' view of sustainable urban development.
      The results of hypotheses testing to determine the factors affecting sustainable urban development from the perspective of the National Land and Housing Organization managers show that with respect to the significant likelihood of the six requirements, only four variables including: physical requirements, economic requirements, environmental and environmental requirements Technical and managerial are included in the regression model. Also, the multiple correlation squared, the ratio of variance dependent variable of sustainable urban development by predictors, is 0.850. In other words, 85% of the variance of urban sustainable development dependent variable is explained by the variables involved in the model. This indicates that the final model of the research is desirable. The results of path coefficients showed that physical requirements are the most effective latent variable on sustainable urban development with a path coefficient of 0.803 and then managerial and technical requirements with path coefficient of 0.700 had the most impact on the dependent variable. Also, environmental requirements with path coefficient of 0.652 have an impact on sustainable urban development and finally economic requirements with path coefficient of 0.630 have significant effects on research dependent variable. The validity of the research instrument was confirmed by a number of experts in the field of urban planning in the country. The reliability of the questionnaire was determined by Cronbach's alpha = α = 82. For data analysis, Spss19, Amos22, Lisrel8.8 software were used. The results of structural equation analysis tests evaluated the fit of the research model to a desirable level and confirmed the positive and significant impact of physical, economic, environmental, technical and managerial requirements on sustainable housing in Atabak neighborhood. Routes showed that physical requirements are the most effective latent variable on urban sustainable development with a path coefficient of 0.803, followed by technical management requirements with a path coefficient of 0.700 having the most impact on the dependent variable. Also, environmental requirements with path coefficient of 0.652 have impact on sustainable urban development and finally economic requirements with path coefficient of 0.630 have had significant effects on the dependent variable of research. And the city of Tehran has provided special conditions for worn-out urban textures.


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