Zoning sewage network vulnerability against natural hazards


1 Master geomorphology student Department of Natural Geography, Faculty of Earth Sciences, University ShahidBeheshti

2 PhD student Department of Natural Geography, Faculty of Earth Sciences, University ShahidBeheshti


Zoning sewage network vulnerability against natural hazards
Urban centers, due to population density and the density of water supply and wastewater collection and disposal facilities, need to be provided with care, reinforcement and special measures to deal with the effects of natural events, especially floods. The area of aAbfa in Tehran The northernmost region of Tehran is considered.while the main rivers that affect the settlements of Tehran and its vital arteries and are always considered as a risk factor for the flood. The rivers in northern Tehran, despite the average discharge rate, have relatively high flood flows that can cause severe floods in the downstream areas. The research method was based on descriptive-analytical method and conducted by library and field studies. In the research stages, firstly, the effective sub-criteria for the vulnerability of the research area were determined and were weighted by AHP-FUZZY method. As a result, the effect of each of them on the vulnerability of the indicated indicators was determined and distributed using the TOPSISIS model. Runoff modeling was performed using maximum daily rainfall of Tehran's meteorological stations, which was used to estimate the runoff height of the studied area using Arc CN-Runoff method. Overall, the results of sewage vulnerability in the 20-year runoff scenario, Most vulnerable In two categories High and very high (29.27%)In the area of one Tehran was observedWhile the lowest vulnerability was seen in low and very low (94.66%) areas in Zone 6, the results were cleared, Tehran is one of the four other areas of Tehran's water and sewage Due to the high cumulative facilities with high economic value (sewage pipes and manholes), high cumulative risk centers (gas stations and transmission lines), aging texture, gradient, high population density, condition of facilities (in terms of diameter and depth of brokerage Specifically with respect to the Preference index hydrology and wells In particular watercourse north Tehran (Darakeh Darband, Velenjak, maqsud beyk, Jamshideh Darabad and Lark) An obstacle to the placement of the facility buried in deep depth for protection and security are the and other variables , There is a substantial risk that no


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