The Role of Geomorphology in Physical Development ofBandar Lengeh (Hormozgan Province) Using AHP Model


1 Larestan azad university

2 Tehran university


       Physical development in Iranian cities has been accompanied with changes in the structure of city, due to the geographical characteristics, human density, population growth and rural migrations. It has been affected in the formation of the unbalanced development of urban. So according to the biological resources situation of the country, it is necessary to be done any planning about development of national and regional with regard to the susceptibilities of the land. This study has been done as an applied research with descriptive - analytic manner. To achieve the goal various documents were used such as geological maps available from region with a scale of 1:100,000, soil map, land use/land cover map, available statistics in related organizations, such as demographic statistics, the opinions of 10 experts and professors in the field of geomorphology, remote sensing, GIS, Expert choice and AHP model. To identify suitable land for future development of Bandar Lengeh 9 criterions were considered that include slope, aspect, elevation, soil erosion, geological, land use, distance to fault, distance from the sea and from the river.  The maximum weight among the criterions is owned land use with 0.305. Lands of Bandar Lengeh were classified for future development in fifth classes. Based on the final map can be said that suitable lands for development of the city were mainly in the center and north. The southern and western parts of the city due to the presence of salt domes and badlands and seasonal streams are not suitable for development.


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