The Analyze of the Networks of Rural Migrants in Karaj Metropolitan (Case study : Kohsar Rural District, Central District of Hashtroud City)



       The Role of Migrant Networks Continue Migration Process, the Role of Funds by Migrants in the Development of Rural Areas and Funds as one of Continuing Immigration Rarely Considered is Located. The Main Purpose of the Research is to Study Rural Immigration Networks in Karaj Metropolitan and its Role in the Development of Rural Areas of Origin(Kohsar Village).Methodology in this Research, it is an Applied and Descriptive Method of doing this was also a Field Study Using  Questionnaire, Interview and Observation and Data Analysis was Performed Using SPSS Software. Based on the Results of this Research more than 85% of Migrants Send their Relative at Least Once a Year. And the Funds are often Used to Meet  the Daily Needs of the Villagers. And so these Funds have not had an Impact on Rural Areas. Also, out of 78 Rural  Households who Responded to our Questionnaire, 72 were  Employed,61 of which were Occupied by the Agricultural Sector. Based on the Information Obtained from the Questionnaire, Agriculture is the most Important Economic Sector in the Region and the Villagers must be Involved in the Development of this Sector in order to Earn Revenue . But it Seems that with the Continuation of the Current Process, Lack of Investment in the Studied Villages, the Continuation of Migration is Inevitable. Because Economic Investments are not Made by Immigrants, Limited Investment will not Lead to Job Opportunities in Rural Areas.  And the Lack of Employment and Occupational Investment in Rural Area cannot have an Effect on the Survival  of Rural Populations. In addition, According to the Results, it has been Revealed that Family Communication has been able to Influence the Migration of Villagers. Rural Migrants Emigrate Using Information from the Immigrant Network.


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