The Role of Waste Management on Improving the Development Condition of Rural Settlements(Case Study: Sarbok village, Qasreqand City)



The increasing  population on one hand, and producing large amounts of scattered waste on the other hand,caused rural a serious and new crisis in rural settlements. This is necessary to preservethe environment of rural settlements through effective waste management system. The aim of the research is implement a new approach which is different from the rest of the researches, to investigate the role of waste management and the factors that influence the development of rural settlements in all aspects of environmental, social and economical in South-East of the country (located in the Sistan and Baluchestan province, Sarbok village). To achieve the above objectives, this descriptive – analytical study collect its data from survey documents and library methods based on its nature and goal. Considering the coefficient of the standard error (0.065), 226 parents of the rural families in 15 villages ,with village administrators were chosen as samples.  The samples were Random (the rural of households). The sample size was estimated by Cochran formula. Data were collected through a questionnaire the research and statistical methods (mean, factor analysis and Pearson correlation test) in SPSS was used. So, the results of the analysis of eleven indicators of habitat and biodiversity in villages in rural areas showed that the index of satisfaction waste management, with values of 10.73, 12.09 and 8.60 percent, The highest impact and lowest impact indicators related to the growth of crops, the production of domestic and production of electricity with mean values of 5.62, 5.78 and -0.098 percent, respectively. The results related to 0.999 eleven indicators showed a significant relationship between waste management and rural settlement development in Sarbvk village. According to the findings of the research, prevention of pollution in rural settlements as well as accelerating the development of new perspectives and restoring and creating of an integrated, and safe programmed management system to manage the production of waste material in case study region is necessary. In addition, to inform and empower people through information, education, use of local skills and can help management of waste.


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