Cybernetics Disabled the coefficient of expansion of civil areas of Shiraz that most prone to flood in the context of hydrogeomorphic during 1951 to 2001 decades



Natural events from the beginning to the present day is always an integral part of human life. So, engineers and researchers use various methods and softwares to predict and estimate the risk factors by analyzinge and calculating. Flood is one of the phenomena that is considerd as the top priority in all projects and planning system among engineer consultants. The aim of this study is to consider the spatial development of the areas most prone to shiraz civilization in context of Hydrogeomorphic during the decades 1951, 1971, 1981 and 2001. Therefore, aerial photographs and topographic maps with a scale of the city decades 1/50000 as well as geological maps with a scale 1/100000 were used. Then, the plots related to flood index by softwares such as GIS and Graphers are calculated and analyzed by Gravelius coefficient formula for drawing. The results showed that the flood basin of Shiraz is 1 to 1.9 which indicates the average area of the flood. Then the coefficients calculated for growth and development in the basin cyclical city of Shiraz in the decades 1951, 1971, 1981 and 2001, respectively, between 1/85 to 1/86, 1/67 and 1/75, 1/46, 1/66 and 1/47 to 1/67 in terms of flooding. Generally, it can be mentioned that urban development section of Shiraz in relation to Hydrogeomorphic is located in the flood path. Cyclical development of Shiraz in some regions in the decades of 1981 and 2001 has been improved in flood path from average to maximum. The interesting point is that the index flood was inactive, but these areas in term geomorphology parameter have been progressed dynamicly and actively such as Morphotectonic region.

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