Analysis of the challenges of nomad women's employment in Zrdlan tribal region (Introduced qualitative approach underlying theory in the study of rural geography)



Given the importance of nomad women's employment in improving their household economy, the aim of this qualitative study is to explore the challenges of employment and income for women nomads Chardavol township of Ilam. One of the main purposes of this study is to introduce the Grounded theory to the researches of rural geography. Data have been gathered through documents, semi-structured interviews and focus-group discussions. This study has been used to code techniques including open, axial and selective for analyzing the data. Zrdlan tribal region in the district of Holeilan in the Chardavol Township located in Ilam is the region of the study. The population of this study was all nomad women that were active in producing dairy products and Handicraft. Sample size 28 was purposefully selected on the basis of theoretical saturation sampling. Data collected in the form of 49 concept, 7 major categories and a core category then were analyzed. 7 major categories are: The conditions of production to the market. Production problems and reduce the production of women, heavy duty of tribal women, geographic isolation of tribal areas. Lifestyle of nomads changes because of lack of support from the government and the authorities and and tends to work in industries. The results showed that the mean age of women was 58.32 that 85 percent work in dairy products and 15% in crafts. Furthermore, the results showed that production problems and reduce the output level of tribal women are interactive and responsive to governing conditions in tribal areas that led to declining economic status of tribal women that has negative consequences.


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