Evaluation and Zoning of Urban air Pollution in Tabriz


         With a large speed of urbanization in many cities in Iran, especially large metropolises were faced with lack of stability. The Tabriz pollution crisis is studied as one of the eight infected city in Iran. This study is based on these questions: What is the best interpolation algorithm for distribution of air pollution? Which part of Tabriz has the most density of pollutants? Which applications are effective in reducing and increasing air pollution? To answer these questions, statistical data pollutants related to particulate air pollution (PM10), ozone (O3), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) had been collected for measuring air pollutants from five stations measuring air pollutants from 1383 to 1392 for each month of the year. Then the collected data were analyzed by different geostatistical interpolation mode such as ARC GIS software. The coefficient rate of interpolation error RMSE and MAE of Kriging was at lower place in comparison with IDW interpolation method. The PSI of air pollution and air quality standards are compared. The status of air quality in desired stations was determined and the role of user interaction or effective increase in reducing contamination of land were introduced.


Evaluation and Zoning of Urban air Pollution in Tabriz


M. Esmailnejad [1] 

Assistant Professor in Climatology, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran

M.  Eskandari Sani

Assistant Professor, Geography and Urban Planning, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran

S. barzaman

M.s degree in Climatology, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


         With a large speed of urbanization in many cities in Iran, especially large metropolises were faced with lack of stability. The Tabriz pollution crisis is studied as one of the eight infected city in Iran. This study is based on these questions: What is the best interpolation algorithm for distribution of air pollution? Which part of Tabriz has the most density of pollutants? Which applications are effective in reducing and increasing air pollution? To answer these questions, statistical data pollutants related to particulate air pollution (PM10), ozone (O3), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) had been collected for measuring air pollutants from five stations measuring air pollutants from 1383 to 1392 for each month of the year. Then the collected data were analyzed by different geostatistical interpolation mode such as ARC GIS software. The coefficient rate of interpolation error RMSE and MAE of Kriging was at lower place in comparison with IDW interpolation method. The PSI of air pollution and air quality standards are compared. The status of air quality in desired stations was determined and the role of user interaction or effective increase in reducing contamination of land were introduced.


Keywords: Air pollution, Interpolation, Geostatistics, Index SPI, Tabriz, Land uses.

[1]. Corresponding author: esmailnejad.m@birjand.ac.ir, Tel: +989153331838

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