Immigration and Social Sustainable Development in Rural Areas (Case Study: Host Rural areas of Tehran Metropolitan area)


     Reviews of various research shows that immigration specifically from rural areas to urban areas, and sustainable rural development have been widely studied, while hosting immigration in rural areas and its relationship with social stability and sustainability topics in particular has been of less interest to researchers. The aim of the present research is to study the role of hosting immigration rural areasthat surround metropolitans in social stability and instability of villages. The research method is descriptive-analytical with an emphasis on field research, and filling researcher-made questionnaires. The participants included 92 rural residents who had experienced immigration in Tehran metropolitan area during the last few decades, and the statistical sample included 18 rural areas that were selected according to different criteria such as the growth rate of over three percent, rural areas with more than 50 families, natural situation (mountain and desert), and their distance to Tehran metropolitan area. The collected data was analyzed by SPSS statistical software. The results of the study revealed and depicted relatively low levels of education, youth population, high rate of employment in unofficial sectors, and high percentage of tenantry among the immigrated residents, social instability in rural areas around Tehran metropolitan area. After calculating statistics and considering Per Scott Allen classification as the basis, stability in host rural areas around Tehran metropolitan area were evaluated in terms of social stability. The stability levels of the rural areas under study were as follows; 22 percent had good sustainability, 16 percent had moderate sustainability, 27 percent had weak sustainability, and 11 percent had unsustainability. Therefore; about 55 percent of the rural areas under study from social aspect at moderate level tend towards unsustainability. Also according to Per Scott Allen table, stability status of sustainable social development was acceptable or relatively stable in indicators of social safety, social solidarity, and the feeling of belonging to place. Social issues and social justice were in good or stable condition, the indicators of social participation and social trust were in bad or unstable condition.


Immigration and Social Sustainable Development in Rural Areas

 (Case Study: Host Rural areas of Tehran Metropolitan area)



Professor of Geography and Rural Planning, Universityof Tehran, Tehran, Iran

S.H. Motiee Langrody

Professor of Geography and Rural Planning, Universityof Tehran, Tehran, Iran

M. Pourtahery

Associate Professor of Geography and Rural Planning, Universityof Tarbiyat Modares, Tehran, Iran

F. Azizi  [1]

Phd Student of Geography and Rural Planning, Universityof Tehran, Tehran, Iran



     Reviews of various research shows that immigration specifically from rural areas to urban areas, and sustainable rural development have been widely studied, while hosting immigration in rural areas and its relationship with social stability and sustainability topics in particular has been of less interest to researchers. The aim of the present research is to study the role of hosting immigration rural areasthat surround metropolitans in social stability and instability of villages. The research method is descriptive-analytical with an emphasis on field research, and filling researcher-made questionnaires. The participants included 92 rural residents who had experienced immigration in Tehran metropolitan area during the last few decades, and the statistical sample included 18 rural areas that were selected according to different criteria such as the growth rate of over three percent, rural areas with more than 50 families, natural situation (mountain and desert), and their distance to Tehran metropolitan area. The collected data was analyzed by SPSS statistical software. The results of the study revealed and depicted relatively low levels of education, youth population, high rate of employment in unofficial sectors, and high percentage of tenantry among the immigrated residents, social instability in rural areas around Tehran metropolitan area. After calculating statistics and considering Per Scott Allen classification as the basis, stability in host rural areas around Tehran metropolitan area were evaluated in terms of social stability. The stability levels of the rural areas under study were as follows; 22 percent had good sustainability, 16 percent had moderate sustainability, 27 percent had weak sustainability, and 11 percent had unsustainability. Therefore; about 55 percent of the rural areas under study from social aspect at moderate level tend towards unsustainability. Also according to Per Scott Allen table, stability status of sustainable social development was acceptable or relatively stable in indicators of social safety, social solidarity, and the feeling of belonging to place. Social issues and social justice were in good or stable condition, the indicators of social participation and social trust were in bad or unstable condition.


Keywords: Immigration, Stable social development, Host Rural areas, Tehran Metropolitan area.

[1]. Corresponding Author:, Tel: +989127166588 

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