The Analysis of Social Cohesion in Keeping Bound Securities by Emphasis on Religious Tribes Diversity Case Study: Zabol County


Continuity and sustainability of the political, social and cultural life of every society depends on social cohesion and the unity of the members of that community. Iran is a country with different tribes. The distinct characteristics of each ethnic groups in Iran is based on the components of linguistic and religious groups Iranian ethnic living in border areas with neighboring countries, and also their own language provides background for the occurrence of ethnic crisis and national security. The aim of this study was to investigate the social cohesion in maintaining border security with emphasis on ethnic religious diversity. This descriptive analytical research used questionnaire for gathering information, and also SPSS software to determine the data and one-sample T-test was used to test the hypothesis. The sample was 2610 family resident in Zabol, and 380 people were chosen according to kokaran formula. The results indicate that respect index to parents and elders, sympathize at the time of the incident, cooperation in working time with significant level of 0 have acquired the highest rank. Among social security indexes, satisfaction index from security officials (6.669 ) and confidence to border resident (5.104) placed in the highest ranking that derive from government's efforts to establish security in the region. The employed population working in agriculture (399/7) and the percentage of the population employed to work in the service sector (282/4) are the highest-ranking in economic security. This implies that if the border residents of Sistan have adequate water resources and government officials support, the agriculture sector will be improved. Indexes of equal access to jobs and economic opportunity (6.640) and equal access to economic information (8.928) have lowest rank, which requests more favorable investment policies in this area.


The Analysis of Social Cohesion in Keeping Bound Securities by Emphasis on Religious Tribes Diversity Case Study: Zabol County


M.R. Mirlotfi

Assistant Professor of Geography and Rural Planning, Universityof Zabol, Zabol, Iran

S.A.M. Alavizadeh[1]

Assistant Professor of Geography and Rural Planning, University Payam Noor, Tehran, Iran

Kh. Hedayati

M.A in Geography and Rural Planning, Universityof Zabol, Zabol, Iran



 Continuity and sustainability of the political, social and cultural life of every society depends on social cohesion and the unity of the members of that community. Iran is a country with different tribes. The distinct characteristics of each ethnic groups in Iran is based on the components of linguistic and religious groups Iranian ethnic living in border areas with neighboring countries, and also their own language provides background for the occurrence of ethnic crisis and national security. The aim of this study was to investigate the social cohesion in maintaining border security with emphasis on ethnic religious diversity. This descriptive analytical research used questionnaire for gathering information, and also SPSS software to determine the data and one-sample T-test was used to test the hypothesis. The sample was 2610 family resident in Zabol, and 380 people were chosen according to kokaran formula. The results indicate that respect index to parents and elders, sympathize at the time of the incident, cooperation in working time with significant level of 0 have acquired the highest rank. Among social security indexes, satisfaction index from security officials (6.669 ) and confidence to border resident (5.104) placed in the highest ranking that derive from government's efforts to establish security in the region. The employed population working in agriculture (399/7) and the percentage of the population employed to work in the service sector (282/4) are the highest-ranking in economic security. This implies that if the border residents of Sistan have adequate water resources and government officials support, the agriculture sector will be improved. Indexes of equal access to jobs and economic opportunity (6.640) and equal access to economic information (8.928) have lowest rank, which requests more favorable investment policies in this area.


Keywords: Bound, Security, Social cohesion, Cultural religious diversity, Zabol.

[1]. Corresponding Author:, Tel: +989131211905  

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