Analyzing of Macro-Region of Urban Network in from Economic Aspect (Case: Khuzestan & Kohgiloye-Boyerahmad Province)


     Recent era, the age of the emergence and spread of cities and urbanization; is tending to reside in the cities in of most countries, especially the less developed countries. A major feature of urbanization problem in less developed countries, in addition to the new town on the way of urbanization and socio-cultural urban problems, refers to inappropriate spatial distribution of cities in the urban network. Macrocephaly urban phenomena in the system is appeared in less developed countries, in which the size of large cities in these countries is 5 to 10 times more than the size of population of the second city. The accumulation and centralization of administrative activities –political, business, and social-cultural activities -in big cities subsequently caused the imbalances and inappropriate spatial distribution of cities in the urban network. In accordance to land use plan Stiran was divided into ten main region in 1365. The purpose of this quantitative-analytic study refers to analyze the urban network in the metropolitan region of Khuzestan (including the provinces of Khuzestan and Kohgiluyeh Boyer Ahmad). For studying the role of macro-economic area during recent decade analytic models were used such as rank - size Zypf, Rank - size, adjusted coefficient, entropy, urban first index, Lorenz curve and jinni coefficient to analyze urban network. The results of this study show that the urban macro-region of Khuzestan region does not comply with the law ranking. Khuzestan. Relatively good spatial balance between population and large number of cities in the region is established. There is semi-balanced situation between distribution of population of cities and urban group. Finally, macro-regional level severely led to the formation of Macrocephaly phenomena in macro-level of Ahwaz region. For preventing the formation of the first urban area in the macro-level decentralization should stop migration of small and middle cities within the province into provincial towns and strength the middle.


Analyzing of Macro-Region of Urban Network in from Economic Aspect

(Case: Khuzestan & Kohgiloye-Boyerahmad Province)

H. Ghadermarzi[1]

Assistant Professor of Geography and Rural Planning, UniversityKurdestan, Sanandej, Iran



     Recent era, the age of the emergence and spread of cities and urbanization; is tending to reside in the cities in of most countries, especially the less developed countries. A major feature of urbanization problem in less developed countries, in addition to the new town on the way of urbanization and socio-cultural urban problems, refers to inappropriate spatial distribution of cities in the urban network. Macrocephaly urban phenomena in the system is appeared in less developed countries, in which the size of large cities in these countries is 5 to 10 times more than the size of population of the second city. The accumulation and centralization of administrative activities –political, business, and social-cultural activities -in big cities subsequently caused the imbalances and inappropriate spatial distribution of cities in the urban network. In accordance to land use plan Stiran was divided into ten main region in 1365. The purpose of this quantitative-analytic study refers to analyze the urban network in the metropolitan region of Khuzestan (including the provinces of Khuzestan and Kohgiluyeh Boyer Ahmad). For studying the role of macro-economic area during recent decade analytic models were used such as rank - size Zypf, Rank - size, adjusted coefficient, entropy, urban first index, Lorenz curve and jinni coefficient to analyze urban network. The results of this study show that the urban macro-region of Khuzestan region does not comply with the law ranking. Khuzestan. Relatively good spatial balance between population and large number of cities in the region is established. There is semi-balanced situation between distribution of population of cities and urban group. Finally, macro-regional level severely led to the formation of Macrocephaly phenomena in macro-level of Ahwaz region. For preventing the formation of the first urban area in the macro-level decentralization should stop migration of small and middle cities within the province into provincial towns and strength the middle.


Keywords: Macrocephaly, Urban network, the Jinni coefficient, Rank- size, Spatial balance, Macro-region of Khuzestan.



[1] .Corresponding author:, Tel: +989122113890

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