Analyze the impact of the Implementing Rural Guide Plan in the Economic-Social Quality Life of Rural Settlements (Case Study: Zanjan Province)


Rural Guide Plan is part of the region physical plan leading to rural revitalization in terms of social, economic and physical runs. The plan is done with the aim of optimal distribution services as well as providing context to improve the socio-economic development in the rural areas. The aim of this descriptive-analytical study refers to assess the implementation effect of the Guide Plan in conducting socio-economic development and the quality life of rural settlements of Zanjan province. The statistical population of this documentary study is 381persons from villages where the plan was implemented and completed by sing Cochran formula and the error value 0.05 and confidence level of 95%. For analyzing the data t-test and path analysis were used. The research results show that the implemented plan with an average of 3.8 caused improvement in social indicators, but with an average of 2.18 has been little impact in economic indicators. In this context, Health and education variables respectively, with the T statistics 23.427 and 11.286 have maximum impact, and income variables with the T statistics 15.164 and -15.527 have minimal impact from the implementation of Guide Plan. To improve the performance of Rural Guide Plan, review of legislation, having adequate knowledge of villages, strengthening partnerships and special attention to the poor rural seems necessary


Analyze the impact of the Implementing Rural Guide Plan in the Economic-Social Quality Life of Rural Settlements (Case Study: Zanjan Province)


V. Rabieifar[1]

Ph. D Student in Department of Urbanism, Islamic Art University of  Tabriz, Iran

S. Sanati Monfared

MSc student in Department of Urban design, Islamic Azad University, zanjan, Iran

M. Sashourpou

Assistant professor, Department of urbanism, Azad University of zanjan, Iran

M. Hazrati

MSc student in of Geography and Rural Planning,Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran, Iran



Rural Guide Plan is part of the region physical plan leading to rural revitalization in terms of social, economic and physical runs. The plan is done with the aim of optimal distribution services as well as providing context to improve the socio-economic development in the rural areas. The aim of this descriptive-analytical study refers to assess the implementation effect of the Guide Plan in conducting socio-economic development and the quality life of rural settlements of Zanjan province. The statistical population of this documentary study is 381persons from villages where the plan was implemented and completed by sing Cochran formula and the error value 0.05 and confidence level of 95%. For analyzing the data t-test and path analysis were used. The research results show that the implemented plan with an average of 3.8 caused improvement in social indicators, but with an average of 2.18 has been little impact in economic indicators. In this context, Health and education variables respectively, with the T statistics 23.427 and 11.286 have maximum impact, and income variables with the T statistics 15.164 and -15.527 have minimal impact from the implementation of Guide Plan. To improve the performance of Rural Guide Plan, review of legislation, having adequate knowledge of villages, strengthening partnerships and special attention to the poor rural seems necessary.


Keywords: Rural Guide Plan, Quality of life, Rural settlements, Zanjan province.

[1] . Corresponding author:, Tel: +989128422964 

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