Department of Management, Qeshm branch, Islamic Azad university, Qeshm, Iran
Assistant Professor, Department of Management, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Department of Industrial Engineering, Khatam University, Tehran, Iran
Considering the competitiveness of industries, investment is one of the factors that are very effective in gaining competitive advantage of companies. The purpose of this article is to focus on the investment of industrial towns in Fars province in order to examine their effect on gaining a competitive advantage. According to the purpose, this study is applied-developmental and based on the nature of the data, it is a mixed method (qualitative-quantitative). The method of collecting field information and the tool of data collection is a researcher-made questionnaire. In the qualitative part, the research variables were extracted based on the opinions of 25 targeted experts through semi-structured interviews with the content analysis method. Then the variables were determined and stratified by interpretive-structural modeling method and finally the presented model was validated by structural equation modeling method and with the opinions of 110 financial managers and investors of industrial towns. Based on the findings of the qualitative section, "infrastructure investment", "incentive investment", "economic investment", "institutional investment", "environmental investment", "investment Support", "political investment" and "competitiveness" form the variables of the model. The findings of the interpretive-structural modeling section showed that the variables "infrastructure investment" and "support investment" have the most impact in the model and are the most influential. The findings of the quantitative section showed that "infrastructure investment" and "political investment" have a positive effect on "institutional investment". In addition, "economic investment" has a positive and significant relationship with "environmental investment" and finally "environmental investment" has a positive and significant effect on "competitiveness". This research shows that investment is an important factor for gaining the competitive advantage of industrial cities and causes economic growth.