Evaluating the role of climatic indicators in tourism development using ANP-Fuzzy technique (case study: Fars province)


1 Assistant Professor of Geography Department of Payam Noor University

2 Master student of Payam Noor University


 Tourism is a significant sector of the global economy that is highly influenced by climatic conditions. One of the key elements in the development of tourism in any region is having favorable climatic conditions and identifying desirable tourist destinations. Fars Province, due to its natural heritage, diverse climatic features, historical and cultural attractions, has great potential to boost the tourism industry. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine desirable tourism development zones based on climatic indicators. The present research method is descriptive-analytical. The Fuzzy-ANP technique and ARC GIS-Super Decision software were used to analyze the tourism development pattern in this province. The results of the evaluation of the study indicators show that the monthly average temperature index, with a weight of 0.239, has the most significant impact. The monthly average precipitation and relative humidity indexes have obtained the second and third positions of influence with values of 0.157 and 0.143, respectively. In the end, the assigned digital layers were combined using the Fuzzy Overlay operation and the summation function to determine the final value of each pixel based on the assigned weights. The calculated weight in the final map represents the classification of the regional climate comfort pattern of Fars Province. Using the classification of natural breaks, the final classification is divided into 5 classes, ranging from undesirable climate comfort to highly desirable climate comfort. The largest area of the province is assigned to zones with desirable potential (38.2). Undesirable tourism potential zones cover nearly 35% of the province's area, ranking second in this classification. In general, considering zones with very desirable and desirable tourism potential, nearly 45% of the area of Fars Province has excellent potential for tourism development. Counties located in the eastern, southeastern, northern, and northeastern parts of the province also have undesirable tourism climate comfort.
Extended Abstract
Tourism is one of the fastest-growing industries in the second half of the twentieth century. The tourism industry is often used as a key driver of economic growth in both developed and developing countries, contributing the most significant and rapid growth among various economic sectors. Factors influencing tourism include geographic location, topography, scenery, plant and animal cover, and climate, but it is the climate that determines the attractiveness of a tourism region. Unfortunately, like many other provinces in the country, Fars Province suffers from the phenomenon of centralization and spatial injustice. Several counties, particularly those close to the provincial center, face issues such as the lack of necessary facilities and services, unemployment, and high rates of migration. Many of the region's potentials, especially its tourism capacities, are underutilized due to lack of awareness, inadequate logical planning, and insufficient investment in various sectors, making them less recognized and often overlooked. What appears in Fars Province reflects an unfavorable image of inequality and underutilization of tourism potentials, especially in comparison to the national level, indicating that proper and rational utilization of the province's tourism sector has not been realized. In this regard, there is a need for a review and reorganization of this sector in all counties of the province to create a logical and balanced regional structure.
In terms of research methodology, this study is descriptive-analytical, which is practically applicable in tourism planning. To prepare climate indices affecting Fars Province's tourism, a documentary study method was used. A comparison between climate indices and their impact was made based on the opinions of 15 academic elites. The selection criteria for these elites included theoretical expertise, practical experience, willingness, research participation capability, and accessibility. Initially, spatial data were digitized, and then, based on the existing conditions and the factors under investigation, the indices were compared pairwise using the Analytic Network Process (ANP) model within the Super Decision software. Subsequently, data matching and analysis were conducted using the fuzzy logic model in the ARC GIS environment, and the final map for the development of tourism in Fars Province based on climate indices was extracted in the GIS environment.
Results and Discussion
n this current study, the Analytic Network Process (ANP) technique has been used for prioritizing and evaluating climate indicators.The results of the evaluation of the study indicators show that the average monthly temperature index, with a weighted value of 0.239, has assigned itself the top rank of effectiveness. The average monthly precipitation and average relative humidity indices have respectively obtained the second and third ranks of effectiveness with values of 0.157 and 0.143.In the end, the digital layers with assigned weights have been combined using the Fuzzy Overlay operation and the summation function to determine the final value of each pixel based on the assigned weights. The calculated weight values in the final map categorize the regional climate comfort pattern in Fars province. Using natural break classification, the final classification is divided into 5 classes from undesirable climate comfort to very desirable climate comfort. The highest area of the province is allocated to areas with desirable tourism potential (38.2). Areas with undesirable tourism potential cover nearly 35% of the province's area, ranking next in this classification. In general, it can be said that considering areas with very desirable and desirable tourism potential, nearly 45% of Fars province has excellent potential for tourism development. Additionally, the results indicate that Shiraz city, part of Estahban, Marvdasht, and Sepidan counties, have the highest level of desirability for regional tourism comfort, which is specified in the final map with a blue color coding. The second position in terms of desirability for regional tourism comfort is held by Sepidan (north of the province), Fasa, Jahrom (central part of the province), Ghir and Karzin, Mehr, the southern part of Kazeron county, Farashband, Khonj (western part of the province), Garash and Lar (southern part of the province), which are marked in green in the classification map. Counties located in the eastern, southeastern, northern, and northeastern parts of the province such as Abadeh, Khorrambid, Eghlid, Bavanat (due to the cold climate in these areas), Neyriz, Darab, Zarrindasht, and parts of Laristan (extreme heat and low humidity) occupy the third position and are considered to have undesirable regional tourism comfort.
Results of Tourism Classification in Fars Province Based on Climate Indicators: The results of tourism classification in Fars Province based on climate indicators demonstrate that Shiraz city, a part of Estahban, Marvdasht, and Sepidan counties, have the highest level of desirability for regional tourism comfort. Consequently, in these areas, several significant benefits can be realized. Firstly, they can create more motivation for environmental conservation. Secondly, these regions, based on their higher desirability for climate comfort, have better access to natural and economic resources, which can contribute to sustainable community development. Furthermore, this can aid in ensuring food security, poverty reduction, and maintaining the overall health of the community, all of which are aspects of sustainable development. The majority of the province's area is allocated to regions with desirable tourism potential (38.2). Areas with undesirable tourism potential cover nearly 35% of the province's area, ranking next in this classification. In general, it can be said that considering areas with very desirable and desirable tourism potential, nearly 45% of Fars Province has excellent potential for tourism development.Additionally, certain regions in the eastern, southeastern, northern, and northeastern parts of the province also possess undesirable regional tourism comfort. Therefore, for these areas, the following recommendations can be made:Cultural Tourism: In regions with unique historical and cultural significance, such as Firozabad, cultural and historical tours can be organized. Introducing historical sites and important cultural locations can attract tourists interested in history and culture.Rural Tourism: Many areas in the province boast picturesque rural landscapes and villages. Offering the experience of rural life for tourists, including stays in local homes, participation in daily rural activities, and sampling local foods and beverages, can be promoted.Environmental Tourism: In many areas of the province, there are medicinal plants and sensitive ecosystems that can be leveraged for promoting eco-tourism. Emphasizing environmental conservation and providing education on protection can attract tourists interested in the environment.Local Events Promotion: Hosting local festivals and events can increase tourist attraction. The introduction of local cuisines, music, handicrafts, and local traditions can be attention-grabbing, particularly in most of the province's villages.Hosting Events and Festivals: Gardens and green spaces are often utilized for hosting festivals, exhibitions, concerts, and various events that can create unique tourist attractions. Many cities in the province, including Qir and Karzin, Jahrom, and Sepidan, have gardens and, therefore, possess significant potential in this regard.


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