Investigating the effective factors and strategies in improving the sustainable income of Dehyariha in rural regions (Case study: Sarbisheh region)


1 PhD Student in Geography and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan Branch, Zahedan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan Branch, Zahedan, Iran


Dehyari is a public non-governmental organization with an independent legal personality in the villages. One of the most important issues for them since its formation is the issue of sustainable income. In this regard, there are many social and economic indicators that can be effective in the situation of rural development, especially sustainable income. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effective factors in increasing the income of rural areas and to present effective strategies in this field as a case study in Sarbisheh county. research method was Descriptive-analytical and data were collected by survey method through a questionnaire. The statistical population of the study consists of 1931 households in 30 villages with Dehyari in the central part of Sarbisheh county and local managers. The sample size at the level of heads of households was calculated based on Cochran's formula up to 320 people and at the level of local managers and experts, 75 people (villagers, Islamic councils and experts) were selected. The sample size in this study was 395 people. The test results showed that Dehyari Institution with a significance level of less than 0.05 were unsuccessful in the field of people's empowerment index. Also, the social capital index is less than 0.05 and the average difference (0.595) is effective in improving the income of Dehyariha. The results of the study of local incomes showed that receiving the price of services with a positive average difference of 1.24 at a level of less than 0.05, have the greatest role in increasing rural incomes. The regression result confirmed that the three components of empowerment, social capital and local incomes can explain more than 76% of the changes in improving rural incomes in the future. One of the most important strategies to improve the income of Dehyariha is the infrastructure-education strategy, collection of tolls, establishment of a cooperative company and tourism development.
Extended Abstract
One of the most important issues for Dehyariha since its formation is the issue of sustainable income. In this regard, there are many social and economic indicators that can be effective in the situation of rural development, especially sustainable income. In this research, an attempt has been made to examine the performance Dehyari organizations in terms of income indicators in rural areas of Sarbisheh city. Dehyariha incomes in this region, like other parts of the country, have been dependent on the government and government organizations since its formation, and after more than two decades, they have not been able to achieve a stable source of income. This issue highlights the importance and necessity of examining the issue. In this study, the components of empowerment, social capital and types of local incomes are emphasized. In accordance with the objectives of rural management and the duties of Dehyariha, indicators have been emphasized that are included in these three components. Examining the performance of Dehyariha in the framework of these components can be very effective. The most important reasons for emphasizing this issue in the region are the situation of villages, climatic and natural constraints, the existence of risks, lack of proper economic status of the village and the need to identify sustainable local sources of income.The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effective factors in increasing the income of rural areas and to present effective strategies in this field as a case study in Sarbisheh county.
The research method is descriptive-analytical and based on data collection in the field through a questionnaire. The statistical population of the study consists of 1931 households in 30 villages with Dehyari in the central part of Sarbisheh county and local managers. The sample size at the level of heads of households was calculated based on Cochran's formula up to 320 people and at the level of local managers and experts, 75 people (villagers, Islamic councils and experts) were selected. The sample size in this study was 395 people.
Results and Discussion
The success rate of Dehyariha in terms of empowerment and increasing Dehyariha incomes with a single t-test shows that the indicators of public access to various Dehyari information and transparency in this area, improving the skills and job knowledge of rural youth, education and promotion activities Special production for rural women, people's participation in rural activities is reported at a level less than 0.05 significant; However, the study of the difference between the average of 16 indicators of Dehyariha empowerment shows that these indicators are in an unfavorable situation. Also, examining the whole scale of social capital component is significant at the level of less than 0.05. The difference between the mean of the test is equal to 0.595, the t-statistic is equal to 17.388. Therefore, it is confirmed that from the statistical community, the role of social capital in empowering and increasing Dehyari incomes is important and effective. Assessing the role of local incomes in increasing Dehyari incomes through one-sample t-test shows that all local incomes are significant at the level of less than 0.05; However, a study of the difference between the average of 17 indicators or types of income shows that in terms of the statistical community, 14 indicators are in an unfavorable situation and in fact, Dehyariha have not been able to be successful in terms of this type of income.The result of regression showed that if properly and principled planning, all three indicators of socialization, social capital and local incomes can be effective in improving the income of Dehyariha in the future. These three components can explain more than 76% of the changes and the other 24% depend on other factors. In other words, in improving the income situation of Dehyariha, these three components can be more than 76% effective if properly planned. In order to improve and utilize the existing capacities in order to empower and increase Dehyariha incomes, six strategies have been proposed, which include infrastructure-educational strategy, attracting private and local sector capital, collecting tolls, establishing a cooperative company, improving services and developing tourism.
improving its social capital index also helps to empower the villagers of the region. This empowerment will ultimately lead to an improvement in the position of the Dehyari institution. In this regard, there are some local incomes that can help improve and increase Dehyariha incomes; Because today, most Dehyariha incomes come from government funds, banks and other affiliated centers. However, some tolls and services in the villages also provide part of these financial resources. However, these financial resources and incomes are not sustainable for the Dehyariha of the region and always increase their dependence on the government.


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