Explaning the foreign policy strategy Of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the subcontinent ( India and Pakistan)


1 Ph. D. student of Political Geography, Kharazmi University ,Tehran,Iran

2 full professor of political geography of Kharazmi University Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor of Political Geography, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

4 Associate professor of political geography, University,Behshti,Tehran,Iran


The peripheral region of the subcontinent holds significant geopolitical importance in the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic. Due to the dynamics of the international system and regional developments, the absence of a coherent foreign policy roadmap has resulted in missed opportunities for Iran in this region. This study aims to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of Iran's foreign policy strategy, propose solutions to enhance national power, and suggest strategies for the subcontinent region. Employing a descriptive-analytical approach, data collection involved library research and documentary analysis. The findings reveal that Iran's foreign policy strategy in the subcontinent operates at two levels. Firstly, it encompasses the entire subcontinent, where Iran seeks to enhance its relations across political, economic, social, cultural, and security domains. Simultaneously, Iran endeavors to develop a comprehensive strategy for its foreign policy within the subcontinent. Secondly, Iran tailors its strategy based on the geopolitical interests and concerns of individual subcontinental countries. By adopting a geopolitical approach rooted in Islamic thought, Iran can formulate a coherent foreign policy strategy aligned with its regional and global roles. This approach ensures Iran's active engagement in regional affairs while maintaining its principles and interests. 
Extended Abstract
Political units are searching so that they can use their abilities in wider areas more than others. in order to be considered as a dominant actor in the history of the international system. In fact, the examination and explanation of foreign policy strategy and its impact on the function of governments has been neglected so far, which requires a high level of precision that from now on. Iran is located in Southwest Asia between 25-40 degrees north latitude and 45-63 degrees east longitude from the Greenwich meridian, with an area of 1.64 square kilometers, The Islamic Republic of Iran is located in one of the most sensitive geopolitical situations in the world, in such a way that active geopolitical regions with extensive functions have covered it and made this country a center of attraction for regional and global diplomacy. Since foreign policy and The performance of governments is derived from the geopolitical environment and the creation of interaction conditions lies in a set of their spatial and temporal behaviors. Despite the fact that the Islamic Republic of Iran has a strategic position, it is necessary to design and implement foreign policy on geopolitical bases along with effective interaction and creating have a mutual understanding of the conditions of time and place. In examining Iran's geopolitical position in the transformed world system, attention should be paid to Iran's position in South Asia. It is part of the integrated plateau of Iran. This country is one of the most sensitive geopolitical situations in the world. In a way that active geopolitical areas with wide and multiple functions have surrounded it and has made it as a center of attraction for regional and global diplomacy. Since the foreign policy and performance of governments is derived from the geopolitical environment and the creation of interaction conditions in a set of their spatial and temporal behaviors, The Islamic Republic of Iran, despite having a strategic position, it is necessary to design and implementation foreign policy on geopolitical bases with effective interaction and create a mutual understanding of time and place conditions. In the investigation of Iran's geopolitical position in the transformed world system Iran's position in South Asia (independent region) should be taken into consideration. A region where world powers have played a role in dividing their political space for many centuries without considering ethnic and cultural subjects. And they have always seen important alternations in different eras with changes in foreign policy objectives of major powers. In terms of strategy and geo-economics, the Islamic Republic of South Asia has the ability to be an influential player in this geopolitical region. The current research seeks to answer this question: "Given the importance and geopolitical position of the subcontinent region (India and Pakistan), what is the foreign policy strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran to play a geopolitical role in this region?" According to the hypothesis of the research, some of the natural and human characteristics of the countries of the subcontinent with the Islamic Republic of Iran have similarities and similarities in different dimensions, political, economic, communal and military-security, and based on these similarities and spatial complementarity, the Islamic Republic Iran can develop optimal strategies to achieve the optimal long-term model of its foreign policy in the subcontinent.
In terms of purpose, this research is a combination of theoretical and applied research, and in terms of nature and method, it is descriptive-analytical research. The method of collecting information is library and document methods. In these methods, using the study of authentic books and articles as well as the study of historical texts in order to explain the geopolitical strategy of the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the subcontinent.
Results and Discussion
As the findings show, in general, the situation in the subcontinent is such that Iran is simultaneously facing geopolitical opportunities and challenges in this region. Variables such as; Sustainable security of energy and the importance of resources, the existence of common geographical borders between Iran and Pakistan, the existence of cultural and religious commonalities with the subcontinent are among the influential geopolitical interests in formulating the foreign policy strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the subcontinent region. Against the intra-regional competition between India and Pakistan in the subcontinent, the negative impact of the current US sanctions on Iran's commercial and economic exchanges with Shanghai members, the lack of a clear position of China, India and Russia regarding the membership of the Islamic Republic of Iran in BRICS, doubts In the security and economic stability of the Islamic Republic, the replacement of the Afghan-Trans route instead of Iran to supply energy to South Asia, the presence of Israel in the subcontinent and the support of religious institutions that promote Wahhabism in South Asia are influential geopolitical challenges in formulating the foreign policy strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. They are in the geopolitical region of the subcontinent. Although the alignment of the policies of Iran and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in dealing with common threats, but the difference in understanding the meaning of terrorism and religious fundamentalism is one of the most important challenges facing Iran's foreign policy strategy in the field of performance with the subcontinent.
One of the most important geopolitical regions surrounding Iran is the subcontinent (India and Pakistan). As the findings of this research showed, the geo-economic outlook and geo-political competitions are strengthening due to the two factors of energy and access to the sales market in the subcontinent. By using the analysis of the research findings, the foreign policy strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran compatible with the geopolitical requirements based on the scale, in the subcontinental region has two levels or procedures; The first level includes the entire region of the subcontinent, and the Islamic Republic of Iran, while developing its relations in the political, economic, social, cultural, and security-military fields, along with the diplomacy of the second path, is trying to develop a coherent strategy in the aforementioned fields. to define his foreign policy in the subcontinent. The second level strategy is explained, revised and formulated separately based on interests, interests and geopolitical concerns, appropriate to each of the countries of the subcontinent region (India and Pakistan). The results show that the Islamic Republic of Iran, by taking the geopolitical approach as the basis of its foreign policy strategy, can codify a desirable foreign policy strategy based on Islamic thought that fits its role in the regional and global arena.


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