Development stimulating projects are the basis for progress and regional development: Case Study Makran


1 Departement of Geography & Urban planning, Islamic Azad University, Branch Oloume tahgigat, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Nowadays, due to the increase of sensitivities towards human well-being and the necessity of using the capacities of remote and deprived areas from the flow of development, attention to such areas has become the focus of attention, and accordingly, many approaches have been made in The general format of regional development has been presented and in some cases, they have come to the fore and been implemented, which can be referred to as the decentralization approach, institutional development, urban network growth, attention to deprived rural areas, foreign investment and the like. . The approach of institutional-economic regeneration has a more comprehensive and integrated vision to solve the problems of such regions, especially in the use of environmental and territorial capacities, especially the coasts and open waters, which also provide many opportunities for regional transformation. and improve the quality of people's lives. However, the institutional-economic regeneration of remote areas is often faced with challenges, the passage of which requires the adoption of strategies such as the regeneration of the government, the creation of nuclei of mobility and change, the approach to the strategy of gradual reforms, the adoption of the strategy of small successes and strengthening Institutional and social trust capacities. Makran region with special geographic-communication characteristics that has irreplaceable capacities for the development of a part of the vast land around it, which seems to require the use of the stimulating model of development in the fields It is different infrastructural, economic, institutional, social, this research is about the feasibility of development stimulating projects and planning components (political, managerial and strategic, legal, economic, social and environmental), design (background factors e, sense of place and identity) and the implementation of these projects in order to stimulate development in Makran region.
Extended Abstract
Globalization, networking of the economy, migrations and changes in the population of cities have created unprecedented changes in national and regional development processes since the 1980s. Regional developments have been oriented towards sustainable development, sensitivities on human well-being and the use of environmental capacities have increased, and urban-regional developments have led to general changes, and governments have been somehow obliged and compelled to In order to continue the path of growth and progress, the best option is to calculate on the forgotten capacities and advantages, and in other words, it has become serious and necessary to go from "consumption of advantage to creation of advantage". Many expressions have been used for regional developments in line with this approach, the difference between them is not easily obvious. Such as economic modernization, building infrastructure, redevelopment of land, rehabilitation of local economy, restoration, revitalization, reconstruction, regeneration, renaissance, etc., the most common of which is institutional regeneration, equipping infrastructure and making maximum use of the presence of regional and local partners.
The type of current research is applied and descriptive-analytical survey method. In the field method, the necessary information about the land use status and the economic and social conditions of Makran region was collected from various sources, as well as interviews with relevant officials and city managers, as well as the use of experts in the method. The necessary information about the variables of the questionnaire was obtained. In the end, all the information obtained from field and library studies were compiled and the data was analyzed by applying the META-SWOT model, and a picture of the capacities and obstacles to the growth and development of Makran region with the development stimulus model was presented. Metaswat's analytical model is based on an inside-out approach and a kind of resource-based perspective. Resources are abilities, assets, positive characteristics, knowledge and any kind of relative advantage that is available to a group and is effective in improving their future conditions.
Results and Discussion
In the first step of this research, the goals set for development stimulating projects in promoting the role of Makran region were determined. The planning time frame for this research has been determined in line with the available documents and in accordance with the vision document 1404. The set objectives have been extracted using the method of content analysis of the available documents; The Meta-SWOT method requires that information be received and analyzed from experts and specialists. Accordingly, based on the opinions of experts in the field of urban and regional planning and management, due to the non-uniformity of the weight of the identified goals, prioritization has been done at three levels (high, medium and low) based on the level of importance. In Table 4, each of the organizational goals is shown based on their priority level, after compiling and determining the importance of each, the information was entered into the Meta-SWOT software.In this step, the effective environmental factors beyond the control of the economic, political, cultural, social, technological, ecological and legal organization were evaluated, and PESTEL analysis will be used to perform this step. This analysis is more effective in identifying the leading opportunities as well as the potential risks of expanding each portfolio. PESTEL strategic evaluation is a strategic management tool for strategic analysis based on political, economic, social, technical, environmental and legal dimensions. PESTEL analysis, as one of the strategic management tools, is an analysis of the environment as a whole in which the business offers its activities or products.In more general terms, it can be said that the PESTEL analysis deals with the evaluation of the environment in macro dimensions as well as the evaluation of the present time, and its framework is based on economic, political, social, technological, environmental and legal factors. In this regard, effective environmental factors out of control in sustainable development were examined in four criteria (weight, impact, probability of increase and degree of urgency) based on experts' opinions.
This research is in line with the previous research based on the evaluation and feasibility of the capacity of development stimulating projects in using geo-economic resources and creating advantage with the adaptive planning approach, and its findings are in line with the findings of previous research. The development stimulus is not a replacement for the previous development strategies, but it is a tool within the mobility strategies that contribute to the sustainable development of the region, which can be combined with the previous strategies and lead to the development of regional spaces in connection with national and transnational capacities. to be In order to implement Makran's development stimulating projects, it is necessary to have an integrated policy, improve institutional capacity, expand communication and energy infrastructures with national and transnational sectors, improve the mindset towards investment security and popularize problem solving management. Every project definition should carry a message and convey concepts such as a serious will to change procedures, improve project management standards, eliminate cumbersome processes of heavy bureaucracy, determination on meritocracy, eliminate rent fields, efficient management, attention to the well-being of the local community, avoiding Be a supporter of breeding and the like. If the mobilizing and advance projects are well thought out and properly designed, they can bring Makran's economic and social development, encourage other projects and redevelop the entire southern coast, centered on the Makran coast and the free zone. Chabahar should help through local participation, providing sustainable employment, promoting transparency, improving welfare and livability indicators, special tax exemptions, removing deprivation, etc. and in general, it seems that rethinking the development management patterns of Makran According to the geopolitical and geoeconomic capacities and the changing and growing conditions of the Persian Gulf countries and the Indian Ocean basin, it is not a choice but a necessity.


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