dentification of key drivers in regional economic development of Iran's ocean coasts


1 Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Department of Human Geography and Planning, Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Political Geography, Department of Political Geography, Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Farabi Campus, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

4 Ph.D. of Political Geography, Department of Political Geography, Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Regional development planning has been welcomed by planners and policy makers for different territories and regions during the past decades in order to reduce the distance between the regions of a territory, so that currently organizations, institutions and planners are looking for solutions to get out of the lack of development of regions. On the other hand, the world we live in is a dynamic world. Therefore, since human behavior and plans determine the consequences of the dynamics of the world, it is appropriate for humans to be aware of these behaviors, plans, and the dynamics of the world around them, and based on this knowledge and awareness, take the best actions to create a bright and desirable future. . According to what was said, this research seeks to identify the key propellants in the regional economic development of the oceanic coasts of Iran. Considering the importance and dynamics of the role of beaches in regional development, in this research, first, using the library method, the effective variables were extracted in this field, and then according to the opinion of 30 experts in this field, among the identified variables, 54 important variables were identified. Variables was extracted in economic, socio-cultural, physical, managerial and environmental dimensions. Then, using the MIC MAC future research technique, among them, the key propellants of the economic development of the regions of the oceanic coasts of Iran were identified. Finally, the indicators identified in this research were evaluated in the mentioned dimensions, and finally eight indicators include: macro government policies, welfare and social security, tourism and ecotourism, commerce and trade, regional transportation network, employment generation, people's income and inflation were introduced as key and effective propellants in the development of the regional economy in the ocean coast of Iran.
Extended Abstract
Forecasting the future has always been an interesting and significant topic for mankind, which has been pursued with various approaches over time. On the other hand, the world we live in is a dynamic world, and as time passes, this dynamism and transformation increases due to the increase of human knowledge. In fact, this dynamic take place due to human actions, and it is the human being who is the most important factor in the dynamics of today's world by communicating more and more complexly over time. Therefore, since human behavior and plans determine the consequences of the dynamics of the world, it is appropriate for humans to be aware of these behaviors, plans, and the dynamics of the world around them, and based on this knowledge, take the best actions to create a bright and desirable future.
One of the things that require planned actions due to the dynamics of the world around us are regions. Addressing the region and regional development is not a new phenomenon, but recent approaches to this issue are very important. Regional development planning has been welcomed more and more by planners and policy makers for different territories and regions during the past decades in order to reduce the distance between the regions of a territory, so that currently organizations, institutions and planners are looking for solutions to get out of the lack of development of regions. Also, coastal areas are dynamic areas that have played a significant role in the development of knowledge, trade, culture, etc. Today, the coasts are considered special areas with various natural and human functions in the world, which connect the vital arteries of different lands and countries with each other. The formation of coastal settlements and ports is the starting point of connecting lands and regions to the vital arteries of various societies, which itself creates countless opportunities for coastal regions. Using these opportunities and becoming aware of territorial and regional capabilities will bring a wide range of economic growth and development to the discussed areas.
Considering the importance and dynamics of the role of the coasts in regional development, this research aims to identify the key drivers that are effective in the regional economic development of the oceanic coasts of Iran. Therefore, first, using the library method, the influential variables were extracted in this field, and then, using the opinion of experts, among the identified variables, the number of 54 variables in economic, socio-cultural, physical, managerial, and environmental dimensions, using elite measurement and the application of elite opinion and have been evaluated using the MIC MAC interaction matrix.
In terms of its nature, the present research is a descriptive-analytical research, and in terms of its purpose, it is considered one of the applied and problem-solving researches. In this research, two library-documentary and field methods have been used in the research process. This research has a statistical population of 30 experts from Ports and Maritime Organization and university professors who were selected using the snowball method. In qualitative-quantitative researches, it is appropriate to choose the purposeful and non-probability sampling method due to obtaining the most and correct information. This type of sampling does not seek to establish fixed rules, but tries to better understand the phenomena in a special field. Therefore, the direct and indirect effects of these variables were investigated by using elitism and applying the opinions of elites in the matrix of mutual effects.
The structural analysis method is a form of cross-effect analysis that is performed using MIC MAC software. This method is one of the most common future research methods. The method of structural analysis seeks to identify key variables (overt or hidden) in order to get the opinions of participants and stakeholders about the complex and unpredictable aspects and behaviors of a system. The ability of this model is to identify relationships between variables and finally to identify key variables that are effective in the evolution of the system. In general, structural analysis is done in three stages: first stage: extraction of variables, second stage: determination of relationships between variables, third stage: identification of key variables.
In the MIC MAC method, to carry out the research steps, first a list of key variables is provided, which can be derived from the opinions of experts or other sources. Then, according to the number of key variables, n*n matrix houses of influencing variables are scored. This matrix is called the matrix of direct effects ij representing the degree of influence, and in it each term m is variable i on variable j and its value can be 1, 2, 3 or 4 (P) depending on the degree of influence. In this method, the number 1 indicates weak effects, 2 indicates moderate effects, and 3 indicates severe or strong effects. The number 4 indicates that according to the experts and experts participating in the research, the effect of two variables on each other is possible, in the sense that there may or may not be influence or influence.
Results and Discussion
In the next step, by analyzing the mentioned variables, the direct and indirect influence of these factors on each other and finally on the regional economic development of the ocean coasts of Iran was determined. After the system is evaluated and measured and its instability is determined, by determining the direct and indirect effects of the variables, the degree of these effects is ranked in order to further extract the key propellants. Among 54 indicators in various dimensions, 8 indicators were selected as key propellants affecting the future trend of the system. It should be noted that the key propellants are the variables that are located above the diagonal line of the northeastern region of the system. These variables, which are called as risk variables, have a very high ability to become the main and key players in the system. After collecting a list of the most important factors and key propellants affecting the regional economic development of Iran's ocean coasts, one can imagine the possible situation of these factors. In fact, these propellants are strategies to guide planners and decision makers.
The propellants of macro-government policies, welfare and social security, tourism and ecology, commerce and trade, regional transportation network, job creation, people's income, and inflation as key and effective propellants in the development of the regional economy, in the coasts Oceania of Iran were introduced. Various situations facing these key factors can be imagined, which are of great importance in the future planning of Iran's ocean coasts. Recognizing these propellants and then regional planning based on it can imply the regional economic development of Iran's ocean coasts. In fact, using these opportunities and becoming aware of territorial and regional capabilities will bring a wide range of economic growth and development to the discussed areas.
Considering the importance and dynamics of the role of beaches in regional development, in this research, first, using the library method, the effective variables were extracted in this field, and then according to the opinion of 30 experts in this field, among the identified variables, 54 important variables were identified. , was extracted in economic, socio-cultural, physical, managerial and environmental dimensions. Then, using the Mi'kmaq future research technique, among them, the key propellants of the economic development of the regions of the oceanic coasts of Iran were identified.
Finally, the indicators identified in this research were evaluated in the mentioned dimensions, and finally eight indicators include: macro government policies X49, welfare and social security X22, tourism and ecotourism X13, commerce and trade X8, regional transportation network X45, employment generation X2, People's income X1 and inflation X15 were introduced as key and effective propellants in the development of the regional economy in the ocean coast of Iran.


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