Analysis of economic and social factors affecting in the links of Bam city and Surrounding villages


1 Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Zahedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran

2 Department of Geography and Tourism Planning, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran (Corresponding Author)

3 Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Sistan and Baluchestan University, Zahedan, Iran


The city and the village, as two settlements with different structures and functions, have deep and inseparable dependencies and connections to each other. These links and relationships ultimately lead to interactions on these settlements. Due to the fact that rural-urban relations and links in different regions are different according to human and natural structures, in this study we seek to identify and analyze the economic and social factors affecting the links between Bam city and surrounding villages. The research method is descriptive-analytical and based on the collection of field data through a questionnaire. The validity of the questionnaire was examined by elites and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha greater than 0.81. The statistical population consists of the population of four villages of Bidaran, Khajeh Asgar, Hararon and Hamzeh, amounting to 3309 people. The sample size was determined based on Cochran's formula, 344 people. The test results showed that social and economic factors at a significant level less than 0.05 and with an average of 3.55 and 3.61, respectively, have a great impact on the links between Bam city and surrounding villages. In the field of rural-urban ties, the economic-productive factor with a value of 6.621 has the most important impact. Other factors include cultural component, administrative-financial component, service component, capital flow and activity boom component, spatial-participation component and migration flow component. The result of one-way analysis of variance also confirmed that there is a significant difference between the villages in terms of economic ties with the city of Bam. The result of Tukey test confirmed that the most economic connection with the city of Bam is related to the village of Hamzeh village with a value of 3.75. Conclusion: Rural-urban bonds in the study area are influenced by various economic and social factors that are rooted in the local and environmental conditions of the region.
Extended Abstract
Bam, as one of the important cities of Kerman province, plays an important role in this region in terms of history and economy. Due to the role played by this city, the surrounding villages also have a close relationship with it. With the expansion of the city of Bam, extensive developments have also taken place in the development of the nearby villages, and these effects can be explored in various economic, social, physical and environmental dimensions. The villages around the city of Bam including Bidaran, Khajeh Asgar, Hararun and Hamzei, which according to the population and housing census of 2015, had a population of 3309 people, are considered to be the most important of these villages. The connection between the villages and the city of Bam is significant and it is not possible to pass this connection and rural-urban links easily; Because in the long term, as a result of neglect and lack of proper management of these relations and links, Bam city may define a role as a central point for these villages. In other words, the situation will progress in such a way that the development of these villages will be influenced by the city of Bam and they will lose their independence. Of course, it may be like this now, and in fact, we see more of a one-sided relationship. However, regardless of the relationship, it is better to examine the existing links between the city of Bam and the surrounding villages. What plays an important role in this field are the existing economic and social factors. Based on this, in this research, we seek to identify the economic and social factors that are effective in rural and urban links in the region, and in addition to analyzing them, the differences between the villages compared to the city of Bam are also studied. With this study, the influential factors in this field are identified and help to develop and create stable relationships.
This research is descriptive-analytical and applied research. The research tool is a questionnaire. The indicators and items in the framework of the current research are summarized in accordance with the research in the field of rural-urban relations and links by searching in foreign and domestic articles. Their content validity through the elite society has reached ‌ 15 people (professors and PhD students) were examined and confirmed. ‌ The reliability of the questionnaire was also confirmed through Cronbach's alpha coefficient, which was calculated as 0.81. The statistical population of this research consists of 3309 residents of the four villages of Bidaran, Khajeh Asgar, Hararun and Hamzai in the vicinity of Bam city. The sample size was calculated using Cochran's formula of 344 adults at a confidence level of 99%. Sampling at the individual level was done randomly. SPSS software was also used for data analysis. The research tests also include t-test, factor analysis, ANOVA and Tukey.
Results and Discussion
Distance is one of the important indicators in urban-rural links. Measuring the impact of distance on the social ties of surrounding villages with Bam city shows that 34.9 percent of people chose the high influence option and 24.1 percent chose the very high option. Therefore, more than 59 percent of the respondents mentioned the distance as an important factor in the social links between Bam city and surrounding villages. The average equal to 3.56 also confirms this point. Also, in terms of the effect of distance on economic ties, more than 13.1 percent chose the medium option, 46.8 percent chose the high option, and 23.5 percent chose the very high option. Therefore, more than 70.3 percent of people have mentioned the distance as an important factor in the field of economic links between Bam city and the four studied villages including Bidran, Khajeh Asgar, Hararun and Hamzei. The average of 3.68 for this index also confirms the level of influence.
The result of the sample T-Tech test on the status of social factors in rural-urban links between Bam city and surrounding villages shows that except for the factor of villagers' tendency towards urban luxury, which is significant at a level greater than 0.05 and equal to 0.779 has not been, 12 other social factors have been significant at a level less than 0.05. Examining the test average for 12 factors or social variables shows that their average was higher than the criterion value (3). These values show that according to the statistical community, 12 social factors are influential in the links between Bam city and surrounding villages. Among the most important of these factors are migrations from rural to the city, urban migrations to the village, dependence of the villagers on the health-treatment centers of the city, carrying out the administrative affairs of the villagers in the city, kinship ties between the village and the city, celebrations and traditional-family ceremonies and The sense of belonging to a place pointed to the village. The positivity of the lower and upper limits of the test and the t-statistics for these 12 social factors is another indicator of their influence on rural-urban links. 3/01 also confirms this fact that its impact on urban-rural relations and links is evaluated as moderate.
Examining the status of economic factors in rural-urban links between Bam city and surrounding villages shows that 17 economic factors were significant at a level less than 0.05. Examining the test average for 17 factors or economic variables shows that their average was higher than the criterion value (3). These values show that from the point of view of the statistical community, 17 analyzed economic factors are influential in the links between Bam city and surrounding villages. The most important of these factors are the increase in the desire to buy land in the city, the sale of agricultural products and products in the city, the decrease in agricultural employment in the village due to drought, the purchase of villagers from the city market, the boom in village tourism, the influx of capital into the village by city dwellers (construction and manufacturing, production, etc.), the presence of villagers' product processing units in the city, improving the value of land in the village, ownership of land in the village by city dwellers, and financial and banking services in the city. The positivity of the lower and upper limits of the test and the t-statistics for these economic factors also confirm that these factors are effective and play an important role in rural-urban links. The influence of these factors has also been evaluated as moderate and high.
The results show that according to the analysis of 30 economic and social factors studied in rural-urban links, 7 main and influential components play a role in the links between the city of Bam and the surrounding villages, and in fact, these 7 main components or factors The most important factors that control rural-urban relations and links in this area are known. The most important component was the economic-production component with a special value of 6.621. Other components are the cultural component, the administrative-financial component, the service component, the capital flow component and activity boom, the sense of place belonging-participation component, and the migration flow component.
The result of this research confirms that rural-urban bridges in the studied area are influenced by various economic and social factors that are rooted in local and environmental conditions of the region. Some of these factors are rooted in the culture and environmental conditions of the region, which are different from other regions. What is important in the field of rural-urban links in the region is to recognize the effective factors and then give importance to them in order to create a two-way and stable relationship between the city of Bam and the villages; Because if not paid attention to, many surrounding villages will be integrated into the city and will disappear.


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