Explaining the role of factors affecting the demand for religious tourism


1 Department of Business Management, Kish International Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kish Island, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Administrative and Economic Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


Tourism is one of the most prosperous economic activities in the world and is so important in economic and social development of countries that economists have called invisible export. In the meantime, religious tourism, as a pilgrimage among all the international religions, especially the religion of Islam, plays a special place. In this study, the role of factors affecting the increase of religious tourism demand has been investigated. The research is based on a review of findings reported in previous research. Studies have presented a variety of factors that affect the demand for religious tourism, the most important of which could be divided into three groups: infrastructure factors, drivers and barriers to religious tourism. Infrastructure factors include transportation, food and restaurants, services and attractions. Drivers describe existing information (advertising), coordination between related organizations, the appropriateness of route systems, identifying the motivation and beliefs of tourists, online resources, tourism research, tourist safety, accessibility of sites, expansion of spaces and associated facilities. Finally, barriers to religious tourism embrace poor management, lack of a communication network structure, and absence of professional support.
Extended Abstract
Religious tourism is one of the growing and changing sectors in the world tourism market) Collins-Kreiner, 2019( and religious motives are still one of the most common reasons for traveling around the world )Sołjan & Liro, 2021). Religious and pilgrimage tourism should contribute to sustainable growth in terms of providing a high level of tourist satisfaction along with meaningful and unique experiences (Lopez, 2013) and helping to preserve natural resources and cultural heritage, as well as the traditional values of communities, thus ensuring long-term economic and social benefits (Roxas et al., 2020).
In this research, according to the different stages of the research, the method of library studies including books, articles, dissertations and Internet search was used. For this purpose, first, studies on religious tourism and the factors affecting it were conducted in books, articles, and especially the empirical background of the research. After that, the theoretical foundations of the research on the subject were extracted and written. Then, all the factors affecting religious tourism, according to the opinion of supervisors and consultants, were classified into three groups: infrastructure factors, effective factors and barriers to religious tourism demand.
Results and Discussion
By examining the theoretical foundations and background of the research conducted on the subject of research, various factors were identified as effective factors in attracting religious tourists, including: Transportation, information and advertising, coordination between relevant organizations, food and restaurants, services, accommodation services, lack of specialized support, attractions, appropriateness of communication, understanding the motivation and beliefs of tourists, Internet resources, providing accurate information, tourism research, weakness of specialized management , Ensuring the security of tourists, suitable location and location, expansion of spaces and creation of ancillary facilities, lack of communication network structure.
Religious tourism, as one of the most important sub-sectors of the large and diverse global tourism industry, has a special place in the economic growth of countries, especially our country. In recent decades, religious tourism has increased in most countries of the world and people have become more interested in visiting religious places and customs of different religions and cultures. Therefore, religious tourism, as a part of the dynamic tourism industry with distinctive and unique features, has an important share of economic and productive activities of developed and developing countries and as one of the most important drivers of economic growth; it is considered in many countries around the world.


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