Evaluation the developmental level of the new seventeen zones of Mashhad Metropolis


1 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Tehran University & Mashhad Municipality

3 Mashhad Municipality


The expansion of urbanization and growth of population in the present century in terms of the degree of development and enjoyment of facilities have caused many inequalities in different geographical areas, as well as urban and environmental crises. Since the metropolis of Mashhad is the largest religious city in Iran and annually accommodates millions of pilgrims of Imam Reza (AS), the observance of social justice and sustainable development are very important for both optimal use of the residents and the pilgrims of the city. According to the guidelines for neighborhood zoning and urban zoning, based on the latest changes approved in 2017, the metropolis of Mashhad is divided into 17 urban districts and 170 neighborhoods, and the areas were also removed. The main goal of this research is evaluation of developmental level of new seventeen zones of Mashhad metropolis which the analytical-descriptive research method and using TOPSIS model and ARC GIS software were evaluted. The results showed that zones 11, 1 and 9 were ranked one to third in terms of developmental level, suggesting that these zones were in very good condition, and zoness 5, 10 and 12 were the last three ranks of this measure, showing that they are in poor condition. Spatially, less developed zones are located in the east, southeast and northeast, and the more we move from the city center to the west and southwest of Mashhad metropolis, the more developed and developed zones are located.Spatially, less developed zones are located in the east, southeast and northeast, and the more we move from the city center to the west and southwest of Mashhad metropolis, the more developed and developed zones are located.
