Focus on the seismic conditions of the plains to locate the construction of industrial estates (Case study: plains of Fars province)


Associate Professor, Department of Management, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran


The construction of one or more industrial units in optimal locations and in the best possible condition, not only improves the circulation of materials and customer service, but also puts the factory in a favorable position and makes decisions related to selection and learning. The location characteristics of a center can have a major impact on the ability to gain and maintain a competitive advantage. The purpose of this study is to focus on the seismic conditions of the plains to locate the construction of industrial estates in Fars province. The research method is based on applied and descriptive-survey purpose. For data analysis, fuzzy hierarchical analysis method with Chang method has been used. This research seeks to select the plains prone to the construction of industrial estates in Fars and using the fuzzy method to select the best location (plain) according to the criteria set for the construction of an industrial estate. First, by studying the background of the research topic, interviewing experts and using theoretical literature, 42 indicators were selected and by distributing a questionnaire, five important criteria were extracted along with their degree of importance to the purpose of the research. The relative weights of the criteria for each of the options were determined again through the questionnaire tool. Selected indicators include distance to massive faults, large history of earthquakes, history of focal depth of earthquakes, distance to public transportation network, and distance to mineral reserves in the neighborhood. The results showed that according to the selected criteria, Sepidan plain, Shiraz plain, Kazerun plain, Larestan plain and finally Abadeh plain are the best places, respectively. 
Extended Abstract
The construction of one or more industrial units in optimal locations and in the best possible condition, not only improves the circulation of materials and customer service, but also puts the factory in a favorable condition. Decisions related to the selection and acquisition of a center's location characteristics can have a major impact on the ability to gain and maintain a competitive advantage (Jun Zhuang, Xiaojun Shan, 2013). Percentage of them go bankrupt in the first year and about 30% in the second year and move on to another job. (Hashemi & Hassanloo, 2010) Performing location studies correctly in addition to the economic impact on the performance of the industrial unit, social effects, environment Biological, cultural and economic in the region where it is built, in addition, regional characteristics are also considered as key factors in determining the location in location issues (Abdi, Jahanshiri & Alavi, 2012). And the position of industrial estates in improving the situation of production, employment, creating national income and attracting domestic and foreign capital, optimal use of domestic and foreign resources and facilities, training and upgrading resources Humanity, attracting appropriate technology and paying attention to the problems of bottlenecks in industrial estates have the advantage. In most of the researches, both foreign and domestic, regarding the bottlenecks and problems of industrial estates, factors such as weak investment, problems in the administrative system, lack of comprehensive support of relevant officials and weak community culture are introduced as important factors. But the fact is that the location of industrial estates can be examined from the economic, financial, educational and .... One of the most important factors and perspectives that should be considered is resistance to seismic hazard as well as strategic strategic mineral resources. Attention to this important, research in this field is one of the issues that need to be studied in the rich and rich area of Fars province due to the seismicity of this area and the location of industrial towns is one of the most important issues in creating and road Is the establishment of these centers. Because by choosing a correct place, many problems and problems that will appear in the future can be eliminated and a fundamental solution can be chosen to solve the problems. There are many items to consider in this regard that are involved in the success of the project to create industrial estates in the discussion of the initial location of the construction, but the focus of this project is on seismicity and strategic vision of various industries. . Therefore, in this research, the main question is how to prioritize the selected plains of Fars province for the construction of industrial towns according to seismicity criteria?
This research is based on an applied purpose and in terms of descriptive-survey execution technique. The statistical population consists of scientific and practical experts in the field of geology, mining and industry, whose scientific and practical background is a combination of three cases. The number of experts with the announced conditions is equal to 30 in Fars province, so using the census method, a survey of 30 experts was conducted. In this study, two series of researcher-made questionnaires have been used. The first questionnaire was prepared to determine the criteria and their importance in relation to each other and the second questionnaire was prepared to determine the importance of each of the criteria in relation to the options. In both questionnaires, a spectrum consisting of five levels of importance was used to determine the reliability of researcher-made questionnaires using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The obtained Cronbach's alpha indicates that the questions have a good correlation and can be stated. That the proposed propositions all measure a variable. In 1992, Chang proposed a very simple way to extend the process of hierarchical analysis to fuzzy space. This method, which was based on the arithmetic mean of expert opinions and the hourly normalization method and developed using fuzzy triangular numbers, was welcomed by researchers.
Results and Discussion
Considering the importance and position of industrial towns in improving the situation of production, employment, creating national income and attracting domestic and foreign capital, optimal use of domestic and foreign resources and facilities, training and upgrading human resources, attracting appropriate technology and attention It is necessary to the problems and bottlenecks of industrial estates. The location of industrial estates is one of the important factors in planning for the construction of these estates. Establishment of industrial units leads to economic growth, better distribution, reduction of regional disputes, and so on. The results showed that the most important criteria for locating industrial estates are: Distance with huge faults, Large history of earthquakes, History of focal depth of earthquakes, Distance to public transport network, The distance to the mineral reserves in the neighborhood, Prioritize each of the factors affecting the selection of a suitable location with fuzzy logic as follows: in order of number from most important to least important are: Distance with huge faults, Large history of earthquakes, History of focal depth of earthquakes, Distance to public transport network, The distance to the mineral reserves in the neighborhood
Industrial estates are one of the most important strengths or weaknesses of a region and with the development of industry and industrial estates, technology is increasing day by day. Therefore, considering that the highest trade income in the world is the trade of information and technology, so special attention should be paid to this point, ie increasing industrial estates at the national and provincial levels.


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