Analysis of the effect of development capital's on changes in the level of sustainable development of rural settlements (Case study: Bojnourd county)


1 Professor in Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Ph.D. in Geography and Rural Planning, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.


In the last two decades, the concept of social capital has been emphasized due to its relationship with basic social components including awareness, participation, trust, cohesion and social network for sustainable development of communities, especially rural communities. In addition to social capital We are also dealing with physical, economic, human, natural and institutional, which are also interrelated. Therefore, in order to achieve sustainable rural development, having these development investments is essential. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of development capital in the sustainable development of rural settlements and its spatial analysis in Bojnourd. The present research is descriptive-analytical and its type is fundamental in terms of purpose. Documentary and field methods have been used to collect information. The sample population is 22 villages with more than 20 households in Bojnourd city and from a total of 4849 households living in the sample rural areas, with Cochran's formula, the sample size of 298 households was calculated and these individuals were selected by random sampling method. To test the conceptual model of the research and to investigate the effect of development capital on the sustainable development of rural settlements, the partial least squares technique and Smart PLS software were used. According to the results, the coefficients of t between the main variables of the study are more than 2.58, ie the relationship is significant and indirect; Thus, types of development capital have a positive and significant effect on sustainable development of rural settlements and social capital with a coefficient of 0.443 has the most direct impact on sustainable rural development, but in general, economic capital with a coefficient of 0.918 has the highest and natural capital with a coefficient of -0/147 Has the least impact on the sustainable development of rural settlements. And the independent variable predicts 93.1% of the variance of the sustainable rural development variable.


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