nvestigation of social factors affecting environmental behaviors in Tehran


PhD in Sociology, Islamic Azad University, Central Organization, Tehran, Iran.


The growth of energy consumption and increasing need for it on the one hand and the limitation of reserves and the depletion of fossil energy resources and environmental problems caused by the consumption of these resources on the other hand, are significant reasons that warn the need to change people's attitudes. Adopting appropriate strategies to prevent energy waste and wasteful consumption and, of course, improving the environmental behaviors of people in general and modifying the consumption pattern in part in relation to energy resources in our country is also felt more and more. One of the ways to avoid harming the environment and prevent its destruction is to change human behavior towards naturalistic dimensions.Investigating the social factors affecting the environmental damage of Tehran and its sub-objectives This study investigates the relationship between civic participation networks, social norms and social trust with environmental social behaviors in polluting the city of Tehran.
The research method in this research is a survey that our study population is 9356783 people with the help of Cochrane formula the sample size of 381 people was selected that this statistical population was done by random sampling. With the help of 18SPSS and AMOS software we processed the data.

The results obtained from statistical calculations show that according to the fitted model and Pearson correlation coefficient and the significant level obtained from regression, because the level of significance in all three variables of civic participation networks, social norms and social trust was 0.00 And is less than 0.05, also the significant level obtained from structural equations with the help of Amos software are 0.027, 0.024, 0.012, respectively, and because it is less than 0.05, so there is a relationship between all three hypotheses and environmental social behaviors. In other words, all three of our hypotheses are confirmed in this study.


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