Analysis of factors affecting population attraction in new cities (Case study: Sadra New City)


Assistant Professor of Architecture, Department of technical and engineering, yasouj university, Yasouj, Iran.


The growth and development of metropolises, along with the increase in their population, has brought many problems for these biological centers, including the development of informal housing for newcomers in the suburbs, rising land and housing prices. He pointed out the limits of cities and the reduction of people's ability to provide their desired housing. This has led to the policy of building new cities in the vicinity of metropolises about two decades ago in order to attract the overflow of their population. However, studies show that these cities are less welcomed by metropolitan residents and therefore have never reached the approved population. Therefore, in this study, by examining the different dimensions of space policy for land, the relationship between sustainable employment in new cities and their population is investigated. In this regard, the new city of Sadra near the metropolis of Shiraz has been selected as a case study and while examining the causes and factors affecting the population of this city, the reasons for the non-realization of its approved population will be addressed. The research is quantitative and collects information in the form of documents (review of the master plan and revision of the master plan, law on the creation of new cities, documents and approvals in the field of new cities, etc.), library studies, survey-based survey and field observations has taken. The results indicate that the most important reasons for choosing the new city of Sadra for housing, cheap housing and the possibility of land acquisition. Meanwhile, the lack of job opportunities and the required facilities and services have been one of the reasons why people do not like Sadra. The sale of land before their preparation and directing the demand for land and housing in Shiraz to the new city of Sadra, as well as the lack of sustainable sources of income for the city are also among the factors affecting the slow formation of the new city of Sadra. Also, the construction of satellite towns near the new city of Sadra is another factor affecting the lack of attracting the desired population to Sadra.


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