Analyzing the level of rural satisfaction with the quality of local government services (Case: rural settlements of Rey city)


1 Associate Professor of Geography & Rural Planning, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Ph.D. Student of Geography & Rural Planning, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.


Lack of attention to the demands of the villagers regarding the assessment of the level of satisfaction with the quality of services provided in rural centers will lead to many challenges in the development of rural development. Therefore, analyzing and identifying the strengths and weaknesses of services in the Russian environment will help local management, planners, and rural stakeholders in appropriate and efficient planning in this area. According to the purpose of the applied research and according to the data collection method, the present research is a survey type and according to the nature of the data, it is a quantitative research type. Based on the background of the research and preliminary studies of researchers in the field of coordinating the main questionnaire with the conditions and requirements of local management services has been set. The results showed that due to planning based on the technology-oriented approach (technical-instrumental and with expert originality) and disregarding the opinion and demands of rural residents studied in development programs and implementation of projects, a lot of gaps between expectations and perceptions. Rural residents have local management services in terms of sensibility, reliability, reliability, responsiveness, and empathy. Although in some aspects of the five dimensions, the situation of the villages has improved compared to the past, but little attention has been paid to the demands of the villagers and their non-participation in the service process.
Extent Abstract
Since villagers are satisfied with the quality of local management and planning services, optimal distribution of services and facilities to increase the welfare and comfort of residents of different regions in the territorial space of each country, it is worthwhile to optimally manage and distribute services appropriately. Space facilities in different areas for human groups. Thus, if the satisfaction of the various rural groups is not met, a huge gap in their supply and expectation of service quality will be revealed by governmental and non-governmental organizations (Cronin and Taylor, 1985: 55; Javed & Liu). , 2018: 462; Hong et al, 2020: 52 1985: 41; Parasuraman et al). Deprivation of the required local services and the lack of favorable living conditions in rural settlements reduce the opportunities for better living for the villagers. Therefore, local management and service organizations need to provide feedback on the performance of their services promptly to provide better and more appropriate services to the satisfaction of the villagers, to provide service gaps between existing perceptions and perceptions. Reduce expectations by taking into account the demands of the Russians (Marini et al, 2019). The level of rural satisfaction with the services received and their sense of satisfaction is obtained by comparing the initial expectations of the quality of services with the actual quality. Satisfaction with services depends on factors such as one's own experiences, people's needs, and other people's experiences. Thus, it is necessary to use appropriate methods to assess people's satisfaction with the quality of service (Vogus & Clelland, 2016: 37).
According to the purpose of the present study, it is of applied type and according to the method of data collection, it is of survey type and according to the nature of data, it is of quantitative research type. Thematically, this research is a type of research that evaluates the level of satisfaction with the quality of services based on the Servqual model, which was conducted in 1397 in rural settlements of Rey city. To accurately explain the hypotheses of the present study, as well as to provide a meaningful framework for assessing rural satisfaction, the quality of local management services based on the CERCUAL model was used as a descriptive-analytical method. Rey city is in Tehran province. Among them, about 20% of the villages are equivalent to 14 villages and the sample size is equal to 320 family units, which is based on the "Cochran" method and its modified formula. The main tools for collecting field research information are the modified questionnaire of the survey, which is based on the research background and preliminary studies of researchers in coordinating the main questionnaire with the conditions and requirements of local management services.
Results and discussions:
The findings of this paper indicate the gap between the expectation and perception of villagers from the performance of local management in services provided. In the villages of the study area in terms of empathy due to poor performance of local management in establishing communication and cooperation between local management with higher institutions and organizations, weakness in their existing performance to perform their duties, weakness in respecting the rights of villagers, and non-discrimination. Among the people in providing services, the weakness in respecting and respecting the same for all groups, the weakness in giving importance to the villagers to consult and decide on issues and the weakness in creating empathy and compassion in promoting various activities with the people, the difference in quality is greater than other dimensions. In the dimension of accountability due to the weakness of local management performance in timely information on follow-up and monitoring in the field of preparation and implementation of plans, regulations and regulations of construction and non-construction projects and projects, weakness in the formation of public gatherings for Presenting a work report and receiving suggestions and answers to questions and attracting people's participation and self-help, weakness in fulfilling their promises in due time and following up and speeding up the preparation and implementation of various development projects and projects will cause more quality differences than other dimensions. In this regard, the satisfaction of the villagers is less. Also, in terms of confidence, due to the weakness in paying attention to the opinions of the villagers to follow up and monitor the implementation of plans and projects and holding various educational workshops, establishing proper communication and behavior with the people, weakness in creating trust in the people for cooperation and weakness. There is a difference in quality in following up and monitoring the various projects and projects of the studied villages.
The scope of local governance is such that all members of society, from the lowest level of development to the highest level of self-knowledge, are exposed. The villagers, as an effective factor in various agricultural and non-agricultural activities, have a major and significant share in the participation of the required manpower in the rural community; In such a way that without their participation, it is impossible to achieve sustainable rural development. Evaluation of local management services in the studied villages indicates the gap between the overall quality of services provided to villagers and their expectations. Therefore, local management must upload new services in rural areas according to this issue. Planning based on the technology-oriented approach (technical-instrumental and with expert originality) and ignoring the opinions and demands of rural residents studied in development programs and implementation of projects, in the dissatisfaction of rural residents and the gap between the current situation and the desired situation It has been effective. Physically, despite the services provided by the local administration, the situation in the villages has not improved compared to the past. In rural areas, there is a gap between the current situation and the desired situation for the above reasons. This shows that local management is doing its job poorly in this area and is focusing on things like speeding up programs, informing about regulations, paying attention to people's opinions, responding to times of crisis, and so on. Has paid less attention.


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