Investigating the effect of globalization on the economic complexity of countries


1 Associate Professor of Economic Science Group, National Research Institute for Science Policy, Tehran, Iran.

2 Daniel Ali Azimi, BSc. candidate, Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Shahid Behesti University, Tehran.


Nowadays globalization is a very important and undeniable issue that has different economic, social, and political dimensions. Globalization has occurred due to economic, political, scientific developments, and the expansion of communications In the recent decade, and countries must align themselves with it. On the other hand, the economic growth and development of countries are very much Has been affected by which relationship, and globalization affects through various ways. One of the indicators that have recently been used to measure the economic growth and development of countries is the Economic Complexity Index. That is a reflection of the country's productive capabilities and plays an important role in economic growth. This study aims to examine the effect of globalization in three economic, social, and political dimensions on the economic complexity of countries. statistics on globalization in three economic, social, and political dimensions are extracted from the website of the Swiss Economic Institute KOF. The Human Capital Accumulation Index, and Good Governance Indicators, have also been used as control variables in this study. For this purpose, 110 countries over 15 years were studied from 2002 to 2016 using the data panel method. The research findings indicate that the globalization index in all three dimensions has a positive and significant effect on the Economic Complexity Index. The coefficients in all three dimensions are measured respectively Economic dimension (0.01), Social dimension (0.07), and Political dimension (0.03). This shows that the index of globalization in the social dimension has the greatest impact. The all three dimensions of globalization could reinforce the economic complexity.
Key words: Globalization, Economic Complexity, Data Panel, Globalization Dimensions, KOF Globalization Index
Extended Abstract
Nowadays globalization is a very important and undeniable issue that has different economic, social, and political dimensions. Globalization has occurred due to economic, political, scientific developments, and the expansion of communications In the recent decade, which countries must adapt to it. On the other hands, The globalization and opening of trade borders and the integration of national economies into the global economy will lead to an increase in international trade, the globalization of production, the flow of foreign direct investment, and the transfer of technology to countries.One of the indicators that is recently used to measure the economic growth and development of countries is the Economic Complexity Index, which is the productive capabilities of the country and plays an important role in economic growth. Economic complexity indicates the level of technology of countries, and the more complex a country is, the higher the level of development. The importance of economic complexity is not limited to the ability to apply knowledge in the production process, but also includes much broader dimensions such as the degree of dependence of an economy. Therefore, the more diverse a country's export basket is and, of course, the more complex its goods, the more powerful it will be in international economic interactions. This study seeks to examine the impact of globalization in three economic, social and political dimensions on economic complexity. In fact, the main question of this research is whether globalization has an effect on the complexity of countries, and if so, to what extent, and which dimension of globalization has the greatest impact on the economic complexity of countries?
The present study is applied in terms of purpose and analytical in terms of method. Library and documentary method have been used to collect information. In order to investigate the effect of globalization on the economic complexity of countries, the index of globalization in three dimensions of economic, social and political and the index of economic complexity have been used. Economics is extracted from Harvard University. Study control variables also include indicators of good governance and human capital collected from the World Bank. For this purpose, 110 countries in a period of 15 years, from 2002 to 2016 were studied using the GLS model panel method. Stata 14 software was used to calculate the model.
Findings indicate that the index of globalization in all three dimensions of economic, social and political, has a positive and significant effect on the index of economic complexity. Impact coefficients in all three dimensions are: economic dimension (0.01), social dimension (0.07) and political dimension (0.03). Which shows that the index of globalization in the social dimension has had the greatest impact compared to the other two dimensions. Also, the control variables of human capital accumulation, control of corruption, quality of regulations and rule of law have had a positive and significant effect on the index of economic complexity. As a result, all aspects of globalization can enhance the economic complexity of countries.

To this end, the relationship and impact of globalization in three economic, social and political dimensions on the index of economic complexity has been studied. Findings show that the coefficients of all explanatory variables of the research are positive and are statistically significant at a high level. In general, the findings indicate that globalization in all three economic, social and political dimensions leads to increased economic complexity of countries. But the index of social globalization has had a greater impact on the economic complexity of countries. Globalization in all its dimensions leads to an increase in the economic complexity of countries. Given the positive impact of globalization on the economic complexity of the country, it is suggested that the government pursue the necessary policies to remove barriers to free trade, facilitate investment conditions and improve the conditions of globalization in any dimension.


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