The Study of migration Trends and effective factors in Harris County


1 Assistant professor in Department of Landscape Engineering, agricultural Faculty, University of Tabriz, Tabriz,

2 tabriz university


In developing countries like Iran, migration from village and small cities to big towns, is one of the most important social and economic problems. In Heris township measure of migrations extremely increased in last years. For this reason, this article is done for checking and analysis of situations of migration and efficient factors on this. This paper, method of research is analytical-descriptive, and it used for checking and analysis of issue from information of measure of migration in the public census and information of health homes and center of health care. Also, it used for assessment of situation and important factor of migration from quantitative methods and exploratory factor analysis. Results of assessment show that Heris Township had the most migrate among of provincial cities. So that, migration of genuine of this city is arrived from -6012 people in period of 10 years 1375-1385, almost -1236 people in period of 5 years 1385-1390, finally -3589 people from 1390-1394 in past two decades. Results of factor analysis show that economic factor with special amount 4.51, can determine alone 28.64 percent of variance and had the most effect in migration from this township. So on, this factors including cultural-social, natural, environmental, official and finally services have had the most effect. According to statistics and digits, measure of migration has increased during the time that without suitable planning will cause many problems on the township and destination cities.


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