Investigating the Economic and Social Factors Affecting the Sustainable Development of Torbat Jam


1 Ph.D. Student of Azagh Azad University

2 Faculty of Dehaghan Azad University


Sustainable development is one of the concepts which is closely related to the lifestyles of the people in society and from an objective prospective it is more related to the enhancement of living standards through preparing ideal and optimal conditions in nutrition, hygiene, occupation, education and spending free times. And this topic is more important in the border regions,Because the border areas are politically and technically demanding, they need a demographic and living community. It is also a great danger, in addition to the lack of sustainable development for national security, due to lack of sufficient facilities or inequality in distribution. Torbat-e-Jam city is not excluded from this rule because of geographical location.
The current study investigated social justice and same influensive social and economical factors on it as an approach for the sustainable development of Torbat Jaam . Thus the present study based on survey approach determined effective variables on sustaianble development, the statistical population of this study are Torbat Jaam residents. 500 of them selected as a sample and from different parts of the town data gathered by means of questionnare proportionally. The reliability and the validity of the study determined by Cronbach's alpha coefficient and confirmatory factor analysis, respectively. According to the findings, women more than men and married citizens more than single citizens influenced on sustainable development, thereafter, through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and calculating measurement errors other variables of the study influenced on sustainable development respectively (social justice 81%, social indices 44%, spatial justice 36%, poverty alleviation 33%, economical capital 27/0 %, social participation 25%, economical development 16%, social commitment 15%, social trust 15%). Though sustainable development was equal among different social economical and educational bases and these was no difference.


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