The Comparative Advantage and Stability of Performance in Export Industrial goods From Provinces of Iran


Identify comparative advantage of regions has the capability and direct capitals to invest in those areas industry, can be effective in development non-oil exports. Hence, the purposes of this study comparative advantage and stability of performance industrial exports provinces in Iran country. For the investigate the status of comparative advantage was used analysis revealed comparative advantage (RCA), so and symmetric revealed comparative advantage (RSCA) and also the convergence of group (the ratio R2/β) to study the stability of comparative advantage in the production and export of industrial goods was applied. Required data has been gathered from the annual census reports industrial workshops for during 1379-1392. The results of investigate index of revealed comparative advantage and symmetrical Balassa show that Isfahan, Qazvin, Bushehr, Hormozgan, Semnan, East Azerbaijani, Yazd, Khuzestan, kohgiloyeh, Khuzestan, Tehran, Qom and Kerman Respectively have a revealed comparative and symmetrical advantage. This province In addition to being self-sufficient has benefited from the export goods for other provinces and countries theirs. Findings of estimation method group convergence revealed at whole of province of specialization coefficient equal to 1/33 is larger than one; But surveyed of 28 provinces, 14 provinces industries with one high coefficient of specialization (1/75) and 14 provinces non-industrial with one lower coefficient of specialization (0/99) The results shows that not only level of specialize and comparative advantages in industrial provinces are stable but strengthened over the period. While level of province non-industrial specialize and comparative advantage was not stable and the relative amount of industrial expertise in these provinces has been weakened.


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