Measurement and Analysis of Spatial Distribution of Competitiveness Indicators in West Asia Region with Emphasis on Iran


1 p

2 ph.d s


The level of competitiveness of the countries of the world is one of the important criteria that takes into account many variables of micro and macro economies. This indicator plays an important role in preserving the survival of any country. This study aims to measure and analyze the spatial distribution model of competitiveness indicators (GCIs) in the Region Western Asia with emphasis on the country of Iran. The type of research and its method is descriptive-analytical. The data collection tool was compiled to examine the spatial distribution of infrastructure indicators in the form of 12 major components and their data from the report (GCI). For analyzing information from models such as entropy model Shannon, Topsis multi-criteria decision making technique (TOPSIS), Dispersion coefficient model, Moran's I spatial correlation method, and ArcGis software. The results of this study indicate that the UAE, Israel and Qatar, ranked first to third with the highest points of the TOPSIS rating, while Iran with a rating of 0.51 in the eighth place and the country of Yemen With the lowest score it is in the last place. Other findings, using the dispersion coefficient (cv) model, showed that among the twelve components of global competitiveness, the highest levels of inequality in the labor market performance component (0.742) and the lowest level of inequality in the components of institutions and higher education and education Manpower (0.390). Also, Moran index in all twelve components of competitiveness is less than one. We conclude that the distribution pattern of components in West Asian countries is a random pattern and this is a random and unplanned indicator of spatial distribution Competitiveness.


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