The effect of environmental attitudes on environmental behaviors (Study: Residents of Tehran


The main objective of this study was to investigate Contact with nature and social activity. Environmental issues as one of the major threats to humankind in the twenty-first century known have became. Most of the environmental consequences of human behavior and this behavior does not operate in a vacuum accept and a variety of determinants involved in it. Therefore, in considering environmental behavior and how to deal with the environment is important.This study was conducted to survey data were collected through questionnaires The statistics population was all of Tehran citizens. The population was 11 million subjects that 384 of them were selected randomly to study. The results indicate that the The variable nature of the behavior associated with environmental and social activity is having a significant relationship with environmental behavior Structural equation modeling results indicate that RMSEA index is 0/07 proportion of Chi-square to the degrees of freedom (CMIN/DF) is 2/19, CFI is 0/90 PCFI index is 0/91. Also the PNFI index in this study is 0/92 that indicates the value is acceptableA Survey On The Effectiv relationship with nature Of Social Behavior Of Enviormental Biology case study


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