Assessment of Unequal Development of Larestan Rural Systems by Using Multivariate Analysis Technique “Electre” Based on Bioregionalism Framework



   During the recent decades, rural development planning system has not been a sustainable and coherent process. Lack of a comprehensive systematic approach and lack of a simultaneous attention to the natural, social, cultural and economic factors has led to unbalanced spatial system in rural areas. In this way, inequalities has led to debilitation and accelerating the destruction of rural centers. These inequalities and regional differences have prompted planners to excogitate several techniques to determine the degree of development, rank areas and analysis the causes or factors of regional inequalities. Therefore, in this research, the spatial distribution of rural development indicators in Larestan is studied. The aim of the study is to assess unequal development of Larestan rural systems. Research method is quantitative-descriptive analysis. Data were collected via written references, valid maps, internet, and related organizations. According to the aim of study, Electre model is used for quantitative analysis of data and hierarchical classification of rural systems. Meanwhile performing electre, AHP model is used for weighting the criteria by “Expert Choice”. Bioregionalism is the theoretical framework of all steps of the study including zoning, selection and weighting the criteria, organizing the tables, interpretation of results, and offers. Final result of electre is that Jooyom and Sahraebagh with final index 5 are located in the first rank, and Aliabad with final index -6 is located in the sixth rank


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