Explaining the Impact of Commercial tourism development in rural areas from the perspective of the host society (Case Study: Dehshihk - Cigar business district, Fars province)



   The present study investigated the attitudes of the host community tourism development business in the rural area in the district Dehshayhk business deals of Cigar in the southern Fars province. The study area in recent years, following the arrival of (formal and informal) of foreign goods, a commercial area with a lot of supply of these goods has become centers of trade and tourism flows (to buy) led. The meyhod of this research is descriptive-analytical and the data has been collected through the review of documents, field study and questionnaire. The data were analyzed by using Likert and statistical software spss. 13 villages were located in the research area and community sample is 365 people from rural residents and commercial sectors. In the analysis of data and primary research study, the economic impact of the host society and the greatest its impact on this community from the economic point has been determined. The findings have also been shown that residents of villages emphasize on tourists and, domestic and foreign merchants of province as the main factors for the development of rural settlements in the region. This is further emphasized that the support of the local authorities can better hosting and efficient business tourists in order to improve the participation level and local development due to its geographical location.


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