Having Ranking Criteria and Utilities Using Models Astvrgs V- PROMETHEE (Case Study: Cities Hamedan Province)



Creation balance between development indicators, especially in cities is considered as one of the best development criteria. Consideration of current status is the first step of reaching this goal. Thus, classifying cities of Hamedan province in terms of access to eight selected factors from civil services subset is the main aim in this research. This descriptive-analytical research has an applicable goal setting approach through serving and experts opinion by using statistical resources, librarian studies and questionnaire. Statistical population is fourteen cities of Hamedan province which in terms of civil services such as: fire station, public libraries, parks, hospitals, waste transport vehicle, traveling terminals, advanced training centers and communication services office evaluating by PROMETHEE and STURGESS models in VISUAL  PROMETHEE environment. According to results, there is a big gap between Hamadan cities in their facilities. In other words, the most inflow of output in terms of possessing civil services in PROMETHE model and the top position in STURGESS model (332) rather than the other province’s cities allocated to Hamedan. In contrast, Azandarian city with (-0.864) and (6) values respectively in PROMETHE and STURGESS models, is the most deprived of eight municipal facilities in the province. Findings of PROMETHE model shows that middle cities except Hamedan and Azandarian are more appropriate to the current position. To summarize, the grade of province cities in Promethee model match more to the eight civil services examined, while the STURGESS model’s ones have less compatibility.


HavingRankingCriteria and UtilitiesUsingModels Astvrgs
V- PROMETHEE (Case Study: Cities Hamedan Province)


A. Shojaeyan

Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Shahid Chamran Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran

A. Moradi[1]

M.A in Geography and Urban Planning, University of Shahid Chamran Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran




         Creation balance between development indicators, especially in cities is considered as one of the best development criteria. Consideration of current status is the first step of reaching this goal. Thus, classifying cities of Hamedan province in terms of access to eight selected factors from civil services subset is the main aim in this research. This descriptive-analytical research has an applicable goal setting approach through serving and experts opinion by using statistical resources, librarian studies and questionnaire. Statistical population is fourteen cities of Hamedan province which in terms of civil services such as: fire station, public libraries, parks, hospitals, waste transport vehicle, traveling terminals, advanced training centers and communication services office evaluating by PROMETHEE and STURGESS models in VISUAL  PROMETHEE environment. According to results, there is a big gap between Hamadan cities in their facilities. In other words, the most inflow of output in terms of possessing civil services in PROMETHE model and the top position in STURGESS model (332) rather than the other province’s cities allocated to Hamedan. In contrast, Azandarian city with (-0.864) and (6) values respectively in PROMETHE and STURGESS models, is the most deprived of eight municipal facilities in the province. Findings of PROMETHE model shows that middle cities except Hamedan and Azandarian are more appropriate to the current position. To summarize, the grade of province cities in Promethee model match more to the eight civil services examined, while the STURGESS model’s ones have less compatibility.

Keywords: Ranking Urban Service, Models Astvrgs, Visual Promethee, Hamedan Province.


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