ارزیابی و تحلیل توسعه فضایی شهری در چارچوب الگوی رشد هوشمند با تأکید بر شاخص های تراکم، کاربری و حمل و نقل (مطالعه موردی: رشت)

نوع مقاله : مقاله های برگرفته از پایان نامه


1 دکتری تخصصی گروه جغرافیا، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، نور، ایران.

2 دانشیار گروه جغرافیا، دانشگاه مازندران، بابلسر، ایران.

3 دانشیار گروه جغرافیا، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، نور، ایران.


گسترش سریع شهرها و به ‌تبع آن پراکنش افقی شهرها اکثر کشورهای جهان را با مشکلات متعددی مواجه ساخته است. تلاش ‌های زیادی برای بر طرف ساختن اثرات منفی گسترش پراکنده‌ شهرها به عمل آمده که عمده ترین آن ها راهبرد "رشد هوشمند" به عنوان یکی از راهکارهای مقابله با "پراکندگی" توسعه‌ شهری است. بنابراین هدف پژوهش حاضر ارزیابی روند توسعه فضایی شهر رشت به لحاظ میزان تناسب با شاخص‌های رشد هوشمند است. روش تحقیق توصیفی تحلیلی می‌باشد. اطلاعات مورد نیاز از مطالعه اسناد به ‌صورت پیمایش (پرسشنامه) با استفاده از مدل‌های هلدرن، آنتروپی شانون و آنتروپی نسبی، ضریب جینی و مدل WASPAS و با استفاده از نرم ‌افزارهای GIS جمع‌ آوری‌ شده است. نتایج به‌ دست ‌آمده نشان داده ،در دوره 40 ساله 1355 تا 1395 مقدار 59 درصد رشد شهر ناشی از رشد جمعیت و 41 درصد ناشی از رشد پراکنده بوده است. در تمامی دوره های زمانی پدیده پراکندگی در توسعه فضایی شهر رشت تأثیر گذار بوده، لیکن این پدیده به شکل نوسانی در دوره های زمانی نزولی و صعودی بوده است که استنباط می گردد،افزایش میزان جمعیت شهری باعث اثرگذاری بر توسعه فضایی شهر رشت شده به طوری که در هر دوره 10 ساله افزایش جمعیت شهری پدیده خزش را در دوره بعدی به همراه داشته است. بنابراین افزایش جمعیت شهری اولین و مهم ترین دلیل رشد شهری است ، رشد هوشمند؛ علاوه بر توزیع متعادل جمعیت در مناطق شهری، به دنبال استفاده بهینه از زمین می باشد ،که برابر نتایج تحقیق مناطق 5 گانه شهر رشت در تمام مؤلفه های رشد هوشمند شهری، با هم متفاوت هستند و از وضعیت یکسانی برخوردار نیستند؛ یعنی جمعیت متعادل در مساحت های نا متعادل سکونت دارند. در بین مناطق شهر رشت، منطقه 5 دارای بدترین وضعیت از نظر مؤلفه‌های رشد هوشمند شهری با وزن 423/0 و مناطق 1، 3 و 4 به ترتیب با وزن‌ های 873/0، 814/0 و 535/0 در رتبه ‌های بعدی قرار دارند. هم چنین منطقه 2 رشت دارای بهترین وضعیت از نظر مؤلفه‌ های رشد هوشمند شهری با وزن 878/0 می ‌باشد.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Evaluation and Analysis of Urban Spatial Development within the Framework of Smart Growth Model with Emphasis on Density, Landuse and Transportation Indicators (Case study: Rasht)

نویسندگان [English]

  • sadegh kazemkhah 1
  • mostafa ghadami 2
  • Jalal Azimi Amoli 3
  • gholam reza janbaz ghobadi 3
1 PhD of Geography, Islamic Azad University, Noor, Iran.
2 Associate Professor of Geography, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran.
3 Associate Professor of Geography, Department of Geography, Islamic Azad University, Noor, Iran.
چکیده [English]

expansion of cities and consequently horizontal scattering of cities have caused numerous problems in most countries of the world. Much efforts have been done for the elimination of negative effects of development of cities, mostly through “smart growth” guideline as one of the solutions to tackle “scattering” of cities development. Therefore the goal of this research is to evaluate spatial development of city of Rasht with respect to proportionate value aligned with smart growth indices. Used research method is descriptive-analytical. Required data were gathered from studies of documents in the form of survey (questionnaire) using Heldern models, Shannon’s entropy, relative entropy, Gini index, and WASPAS model and GIS software.The results show that in the 40-year period from 1976 to 2016, 59% of the city's growth was due to population growth and 41% was due to sprawl growth. In all time periods, the phenomenon of dispersion has been effective in the spatial development of Rasht, but this phenomenon has been oscillating in the descending and ascending periods of time, which is inferred. In each 10-year period, the increase in urban population has led to the occurrence of creep in the next period. Therefore, increasing urban population is the first and most important reason for urban growth, smart growth; in addition to the balanced distribution of population in urban areas, seeks the optimal use of land, which is equal to the results of research in five areas of Rasht in all components of smart urban growth. , Are different from each other and do not have the same situation; that is, the balanced population resides in urban region. It should be mentioned that 5 districts and regions of city of Rasht do not have similar status. Region 5 has the worst status in urban smart growth elements between regions of city of Rasht with weight of 0.423 and regions number 1,3 and 4 stand in other ranks with weights of 0.535, 0.814 and 0.873, respectively. Also region 2 of Rasht has the best status in urban smart growth with weight of 0.878.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Spatial Development
  • Smarth Growth
  • Density
  • Landuse
  • Transportation
  1. Abdollahi, A. A., Ghasemi, M. (2016). Spatial Analysis of Smart Growth in Urban Areas Using Waspas-Fuzzy Topsis Techniques (Case Study: Kerman City), Human Resource Planning Studies, 13(45), 1003-1019.
  2. Abdollahi, A. A., Khodaman, Z. (2016). Studying and Evaluation the Physical_ Spatial of Smart Growth Indicators Using WASPAS Model (Case Study: Yazd City Regions), Urban Area Studies, 3(3), 79-99.
  3. Ansari, M., Vali Shariat panahi, M., Malek Hosseini, A., Modiri, M. (2018). Spatial Analysis of the Smart Urban Growth Indicators Distribution at the Level of the Following Neighborhoods: Malayer City, Regional Planning, 8(32), 93-112.
  4. Binta Samad, R., Chisty, K.U., Rahman, A. (2016). Urbanization and Urban Growth Dynamics: A Study on Chittagong City, Journal of Bangladesh, Institute of Planners, 8, 167-174.
  5. Chatman, D. G., Rayle, L., Gabbe, C. J., Plowman, J., Sohn, P., Crane, R., ... & Crane, R. (2016). Analyzing the economic benefits and costs of smart growth (No. PB2016103250).
  6. Conticellim, E. (2019). Compact City as a Model Achieving Sustainable Development, 25 January, Authors and Affiliations https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-71061-7_35-1, 1-10.
  7. Davoudi, H., Alimoradi, A. (2014). Spatial Analysis of Urban Boulevards (Case Study: Shahid Ansari Boulevard of Rasht), Master Thesis, Islamic Azad University of Rasht Branch, Faculty of Literature and Humanities.
  8. Dierwechter, Y. (2014). The Spaces that Smart Growth Makes: ‎Sustainability‏,‏ Segregation and Residential Change across Greater Seattle, Urban ‎Geography, 35(5), 691–714‎.
  9. Edwards, M. M., & Haines, A. (2007). Evaluating smart growth: Implications for small communities. Journal of planning education and research, 27(1), 49-64.
  10. Ferdosi, S., Shokri, P. (2015). Spatial- physical Analysis of Urban Areas Based on Smart Growth Indicators, Urban Research and Planning, 6(22), 15-32.
  11. Hassanpour, R., & Heidarzadeh, M. (2011). An Analysis of Changes in Network and Urban System of Rasht Town ship in the Last Three Decades. Journal of Studies of Human Settlements Planning, 6(15), 35-49.
  12. Hataminezhad, H., Rabani, T., Mohammadi, N., asadi, S., 2012, Physical Spatial Development of Varzaneh City and Presentation of Future Development Strategies of the City, Landuse Planning, 4(2), 53-74.
  13. Homafar M., Saeedirezvani, N. & Mehrabi, M. (2015). Neo-‎Liberalism and Urban Smart Growth, From Theory to ‎Action,‎ Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences, 5(S2), 1804-‎‎
  14. Hosseini, A., Poorahmad, A., Veysi, R. (2012). Optimal Location of Physical Development of Rasht City Using AHP Model, Geographical Perspective in Human Studies, 8(23), 55-72.
  15. Carruthers, J.‏ (‏‎2007). Does “Smart Growth” Matter to Public Finance?, U.S. ‎Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Policy Development ‎and Research; University of Washington, Department of Urban Design and ‎Planning, University of Maryland, National Center for Smart Growth Research ‎and Education.
  16. Ilaghi, M., Noohi, R. & Mohimi, A. M. (2014). Investigating the Process of Physical-Spatial Expansion of Kerman City Using Shannon and Heldren Entropy Models, Geography and Urban Planning Zagros Landscape, 7(23), 35-52.
  17. Ingram, G., Carbonell, A., Hung Hong, Y. & Flint, A. (2009). Smart Growth Policies: An Evaluation of Programs and Outcomes, Cambridge: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.
  18. Koch, J., Dorning, M. A., Van Berkel, D. B., Beck, S. M., Sanchez, G. M., Shashidharan, A., ... & Meentemeyer, R. K. (2019). Modeling landowner interactions and development patterns at the urban fringe. Landscape and Urban Planning, 182, 101-113..
  19. Lee, S. (2005). Metropolitan growth patterns' impact on intra-regional spatial differentiation and inner-ring suburban decline: inSights for smart growth. Georgia Institute of Technology.
  20. Lee, S., & Leigh, N. G. (2005). The role of inner ring suburbs in metropolitan smart growth strategies. Journal of Planning Literature, 19(3), 330-346.
  21. Mathew, B. A. (2013). The link between smart growth in urban development and climate change (Doctoral dissertation).
  22. Poor Sheikhiyan, A. R. & Nazariyan, A. (2010). Genesis of Metropolitan Area and its Space reflection Case study: Rasht, Land Geography, 7(3), 33-50.
  23. Poormohammadi, M. R. & Ghorbani, R. (2003). Dimensions and Strategies of Urban Space Condensation Paradigm, Humanities Teacher, 7(2), 85-108.
  24. Randhawa, A., & Kumar, A. (2017). Exploring sustainability of smart development initiatives in India. International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment, 6(2), 701-710. ‎
  25. Shokrghozar, A., Jamshidi, Z. & Jamshidi, P. (2015). Evaluation of the Principles and Strategies of Smart Urban Growth in the Future Development of Rasht Based on Heldren Population Density Model, Geography and Development, 13(41), 45-64.
  26. Soyinka, O., Siu, K. W. M., Lawanson, T., & Adeniji, O. (2016). Assessing smart infrastructure for sustainable urban development in the Lagos metropolis. Journal of urban management, 5(2), 52-64.
  27. Stewart, D. (2010). Smart Growth: From Rhetoric to Reality in Irish Urban Planning 1997-2007.
  28. VanderJeugdt, B. (2014). Transportation aspects of smart growth in the Research Triangle Region (NC): Current conditions and future prospects. East Carolina University, Geography, Planning and Environment.
  29. Wegmann, J., & Chapple, K. (2014). Hidden density in single-family neighborhoods: backyard cottages as an equitable smart growth strategy. Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability, 7(3), 307-329.
  30. Witzig, M., & Turnoy, S. (2010). Review of Large-Scale Retail Design Standards and Development Principles: Accessibility, public space, human scale, safety, and sustainability in the urban landscape.
  31. Ye, L., Mandpe, S., & Meyer, P. B. (2005). What is “smart growth?”—Really?. Journal of Planning Literature, 19(3), 301-315.
  32. Zavadskas, E. K., Turskis, Z., Antucheviciene, J., & Zakarevicius, A. (2012). Optimization of weighted aggregated sum product assessment. Elektronika ir elektrotechnika, 122(6), 3-6.

















  1. Abdollahi, A. A., Ghasemi, M. (2016). Spatial Analysis of Smart Growth in Urban Areas Using Waspas-Fuzzy Topsis Techniques (Case Study: Kerman City), Human Resource Planning Studies, 13(45), 1003-1019.
  2. Abdollahi, A. A., Khodaman, Z. (2016). Studying and Evaluation the Physical_ Spatial of Smart Growth Indicators Using WASPAS Model (Case Study: Yazd City Regions), Urban Area Studies, 3(3), 79-99.
  3. Ansari, M., Vali Shariat panahi, M., Malek Hosseini, A., Modiri, M. (2018). Spatial Analysis of the Smart Urban Growth Indicators Distribution at the Level of the Following Neighborhoods: Malayer City, Regional Planning, 8(32), 93-112.
  4. Binta Samad, R., Chisty, K.U., Rahman, A. (2016). Urbanization and Urban Growth Dynamics: A Study on Chittagong City, Journal of Bangladesh, Institute of Planners, 8, 167-174.
  5. Chatman, D. G., Rayle, L., Gabbe, C. J., Plowman, J., Sohn, P., Crane, R., ... & Crane, R. (2016). Analyzing the economic benefits and costs of smart growth (No. PB2016103250).
  6. Conticellim, E. (2019). Compact City as a Model Achieving Sustainable Development, 25 January, Authors and Affiliations https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-71061-7_35-1, 1-10.
  7. Davoudi, H., Alimoradi, A. (2014). Spatial Analysis of Urban Boulevards (Case Study: Shahid Ansari Boulevard of Rasht), Master Thesis, Islamic Azad University of Rasht Branch, Faculty of Literature and Humanities.
  8. Dierwechter, Y. (2014). The Spaces that Smart Growth Makes: ‎Sustainability‏,‏ Segregation and Residential Change across Greater Seattle, Urban ‎Geography, 35(5), 691–714‎.
  9. Edwards, M. M., & Haines, A. (2007). Evaluating smart growth: Implications for small communities. Journal of planning education and research, 27(1), 49-64.
  10. Ferdosi, S., Shokri, P. (2015). Spatial- physical Analysis of Urban Areas Based on Smart Growth Indicators, Urban Research and Planning, 6(22), 15-32.
  11. Hassanpour, R., & Heidarzadeh, M. (2011). An Analysis of Changes in Network and Urban System of Rasht Town ship in the Last Three Decades. Journal of Studies of Human Settlements Planning, 6(15), 35-49.
  12. Hataminezhad, H., Rabani, T., Mohammadi, N., asadi, S., 2012, Physical Spatial Development of Varzaneh City and Presentation of Future Development Strategies of the City, Landuse Planning, 4(2), 53-74.
  13. Homafar M., Saeedirezvani, N. & Mehrabi, M. (2015). Neo-‎Liberalism and Urban Smart Growth, From Theory to ‎Action,‎ Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences, 5(S2), 1804-‎‎
  14. Hosseini, A., Poorahmad, A., Veysi, R. (2012). Optimal Location of Physical Development of Rasht City Using AHP Model, Geographical Perspective in Human Studies, 8(23), 55-72.
  15. Carruthers, J.‏ (‏‎2007). Does “Smart Growth” Matter to Public Finance?, U.S. ‎Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Policy Development ‎and Research; University of Washington, Department of Urban Design and ‎Planning, University of Maryland, National Center for Smart Growth Research ‎and Education.
  16. Ilaghi, M., Noohi, R. & Mohimi, A. M. (2014). Investigating the Process of Physical-Spatial Expansion of Kerman City Using Shannon and Heldren Entropy Models, Geography and Urban Planning Zagros Landscape, 7(23), 35-52.
  17. Ingram, G., Carbonell, A., Hung Hong, Y. & Flint, A. (2009). Smart Growth Policies: An Evaluation of Programs and Outcomes, Cambridge: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.
  18. Koch, J., Dorning, M. A., Van Berkel, D. B., Beck, S. M., Sanchez, G. M., Shashidharan, A., ... & Meentemeyer, R. K. (2019). Modeling landowner interactions and development patterns at the urban fringe. Landscape and Urban Planning, 182, 101-113..
  19. Lee, S. (2005). Metropolitan growth patterns' impact on intra-regional spatial differentiation and inner-ring suburban decline: inSights for smart growth. Georgia Institute of Technology.
  20. Lee, S., & Leigh, N. G. (2005). The role of inner ring suburbs in metropolitan smart growth strategies. Journal of Planning Literature, 19(3), 330-346.
  21. Mathew, B. A. (2013). The link between smart growth in urban development and climate change (Doctoral dissertation).
  22. Poor Sheikhiyan, A. R. & Nazariyan, A. (2010). Genesis of Metropolitan Area and its Space reflection Case study: Rasht, Land Geography, 7(3), 33-50.
  23. Poormohammadi, M. R. & Ghorbani, R. (2003). Dimensions and Strategies of Urban Space Condensation Paradigm, Humanities Teacher, 7(2), 85-108.
  24. Randhawa, A., & Kumar, A. (2017). Exploring sustainability of smart development initiatives in India. International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment, 6(2), 701-710. ‎
  25. Shokrghozar, A., Jamshidi, Z. & Jamshidi, P. (2015). Evaluation of the Principles and Strategies of Smart Urban Growth in the Future Development of Rasht Based on Heldren Population Density Model, Geography and Development, 13(41), 45-64.
  26. Soyinka, O., Siu, K. W. M., Lawanson, T., & Adeniji, O. (2016). Assessing smart infrastructure for sustainable urban development in the Lagos metropolis. Journal of urban management, 5(2), 52-64.
  27. Stewart, D. (2010). Smart Growth: From Rhetoric to Reality in Irish Urban Planning 1997-2007.
  28. VanderJeugdt, B. (2014). Transportation aspects of smart growth in the Research Triangle Region (NC): Current conditions and future prospects. East Carolina University, Geography, Planning and Environment.
  29. Wegmann, J., & Chapple, K. (2014). Hidden density in single-family neighborhoods: backyard cottages as an equitable smart growth strategy. Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability, 7(3), 307-329.
  30. Witzig, M., & Turnoy, S. (2010). Review of Large-Scale Retail Design Standards and Development Principles: Accessibility, public space, human scale, safety, and sustainability in the urban landscape.
  31. Ye, L., Mandpe, S., & Meyer, P. B. (2005). What is “smart growth?”—Really?. Journal of Planning Literature, 19(3), 301-315.
  32. Zavadskas, E. K., Turskis, Z., Antucheviciene, J., & Zakarevicius, A. (2012). Optimization of weighted aggregated sum product assessment. Elektronika ir elektrotechnika, 122(6), 3-6.