بررسی نقش و اثرات گردشگری شهری بر باز آفرینی شهر زنجان

نوع مقاله : مقاله های برگرفته از پایان نامه


1 دانشجوی دکتری جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی شهری، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد علوم و تحقیقات، تهران، ایران.

2 دانشیار گروه جغرافیا و برنامه ریزی شهری، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحدشهر ری، تهران، ایران.

3 استاد گروه جغرافیا و برنامه ریزی شهری، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد علوم و تحقیقات، تهران، ایران.


امروزه گردشگری را به عنوان یکی از مهمترین صنایع توسعه پایدار در هر جامعه ای باید دانست، که از تحرک بالایی در تغییرات اقتصادی، سیاسی، اجتماعی، شهری و محیطی برخور دار است، تمرکز بر جنبه‌های گوناگون صنعت گردشگری، همراه با برنامه­ریزی­های مدیریت محلی و ملی هرجامعه­ای نقش بسیار با اهمیتی در فرایندهای بین المللی و ملی هر جامعه­ای می­تواند ایفاء کند. گردشگری شهری در واقع بخشی از این صنعت توسعه­مند و پایدار جهانگردی است که موضوع نسبتاٌ جدیدی است، و سابقه  طرح آن در محافل علمی به کمتر از دو دهه اخیر می رسد. گردشگری شهری، یکی از مهمترین و پیچیده­ترین فعالیت­های فضایی و مکانی انسان در جامعه شهری است، به نظر صاحب­نظران، گردشگری شهری یک فرصت بزرگ فرهنگی، اجتماعی و اقتصادی برای شهرها  بوجود می­آورد، که این فرصت نقش بسیار موثری در ارتقاء کیفیت زندگی شهروندان در ابعاد گوناگون می­تواند ایفاء کند. برای این منظور ابتدا از راه روش­های میدانی و کتابخانه­ای، داده­ها گردآوری شد.. حجم نمونه آماری طبق استانداردهای موجود برابر با ۳۰ نفر بوده که متشکل از متخصصین حوزه گردشگری و کارشناسان حوزه شهری است که بر اساس روش دلفی انتخاب شده است. بر این اساس سنجش میزان اثر گذاری گردشگری شهری بر به‌سازی و بازآفرینی محلات قدیمی و هسته مرکزی شهر زنجان با استفاده از آزمون فریدمن- سنجش میزان اثر گذاری گردشگری شهری بر به‌سازی و بازآفرینی محلات قدیمی و هسته مرکزی شهر زنجان با استفاده از آزمون آماری کرامر- بررسی میزان تأثیر گردشگری شهری بر مولفه های مربوط به به‌سازی و باز آفرینی هسته ی مرکزی و محلات شهر زنجان آزمون کای اسکوئر یک طرفه - سنجش میزان اثر گذاری گردشگری شهری بر ایجاد درآمد و توجه مسئولین امر در حفظ، مرمت و به‌سازی و بازآفرینی محلات شهر زنجان با استفاده از آزمون فریدمن- آزمون کای اسکوئر یک طرفه - آزمون اسپیرمن ، مورد تجزیه و تحلیل آماری قرار گرفته که شرح کلی آن در بخش تجزیه و تحلیل مورد بحث و بررسی قرار خواهد گرفت.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Survey of Urban Tourist Role and Effects on Zanjan City's recreation

نویسندگان [English]

  • Yousef Khodaei 1
  • bahman kargar 2
  • Rahim sarvar 3
1 Ph.D. Student of Geography&Urban planning, Islamic Azad University, Branch Oloume tahgigat, Tehran, Iran.
2 Associate professor of Geography&Urban planning, Islamic Azad University, Branch share rey, Tehran, Iran.
3 Professor of Geography & Urban planning, Islamic Azad University, Branch Oloume tahgigat, Tehran, Iran
چکیده [English]

Nowadays tourism should be one of vival stable of development industry in each society that have improvement of economic politic urban and environment .focus on aspects of different tourist industry with international and local planning of management of each community play important role in international and national activities .Urban tourist is part of globe trophy developed and stable industry .it’s sort of new subject and history of propounding it in scientific  circles is less than more decades .Urban tourist is one of the most important and the most complex  human’s space and place activities .in the idea of experts ,urban tourist creates a big cultural ,social and economical occasions for cities .This occasion have a high effect on improvement of life quality indifferent aspects. For this purpose, data were collected through field and library methods. According to existing standards the statistical sample size was 9 persons, consist of tourism experts and urban experts who were selected based on Delphi method. Hereby, the effect of urban tourism on improving and remanufacturing old districts and central core of Zanjan city using Friedman test, the effect of urban tourism on improving and remanufacturing old districts and central core of Zanjan city using Kramer statistical test, investigating the impact of urban tourism on the components of renovation and remodeling of the central core and neighborhoods of Zanjan city using one-way chi-square test, measuring the impact of urban tourism on creating income and attention of authorities in maintenance, restoration and improvement and recreation of Zanjan neighborhoods using Friedman Test, impact of urban tourism on creating income and attention of authorities in maintenance, restoration and improvement and recreation of Zanjan neighborhoods using One-Way Chi-square Test, has been analyzed using Spearman which its general description will be discussed in the analysis section
Keywords: Urban tourist, Recreation, Delphi metod, Zanjan City
Extended Abstract:
Postmodern citizens often spend their free time touring the city to find entertainment. The before-mentioned type of activity is called city/urban tourism. This industry involves filling your free time at home or going outside the city or village. City tourism happens when people spend their free time touring in urban areas or wandering in city infrastructures such as parks, amusement parks, shopping malls, cultural and historical centers, and forth. This industry, which has been able to satisfy some of the citizens' needs and answer their calling for regular recreational activities, is developing and growing in various parts of the world, including Iran (Especially in the large metropolises of our country). Based on mentioned particularities, now days providing open space areas and modern recreation centers has become one of the primary goals for Iranian metropolitan executives. The extension of such modern tourism, at the level of sustainable local development and ultimately national development, can: improve the economy and the environment, balance people's leisure time, and enhance their physical and mental health. Besides, it plays a significant role in attracting foreign and domestic tourists to visit a well-managed city.
The method of this research is descriptive-analytical; we used the survey method and Delphi technique to collect data. To gather information, first, the documents stored in the library of offices and organizations such as the Cultural Heritage-Tourism Organization, the Deputy of Planning of the Governorate, the Governor's Office have been studied and used. In this research, the main instrument for data collection is a questionnaire. The statistical population of the present study is the existing policies in the field of city tourism and recreation, 30 expert professors, city managers, and the municipality. In this study, we used Kai-Square, Friedman, Kramer, and Spearman tests to analyze the whole statistical population. Accordingly, to statistically analyze data, we used the Friedman test to measure the effectiveness of urban tourism in favor of improving and renovating the context of both old regions and the central core of Zanjan - to measure the impact of urban tourism on improving and renewing both old areas and the central core of Zanjan city, we used the Kramer statistical test.
Results and discussions
The results show that the increase in urban tourism has led to renovating historical sites and helped build their identity. Amelioration resulting from the presence of tourists, along with increasing revenue, have led to prosperity in the tourism industry. Also, it has risen the attention of city managers to renovate the valuable historical context of Zanjan in recent years. Finally, while creating job opportunities, these actions paved the way for urban instauration.  By studying and examining the current situation of Zanjan city and observing the improved, restored, and recreated places, we can conclude that: because the augmentation of city tourism results in revenue growth, the importance of this matter, is maturing clear day by day to city officials. This encourages all the officials, including the governorate, the municipality's cultural heritage, and the city council, to take the lead and pave the way for planning and designing areas so that both tourists and the people of the city can use.
Finally, by studying the information obtained from the presence of tourists and examining the process of renovating the valuable and historical regions of Zanjan, which is happening recently, we can state that: city tourism in historical and recreational areas of Zanjan has increased in a manner that it is already presenting job opportunities and financial profits. So this makes officials support the renovation of the areas in such a way that not only won't they face any problem with executing the projects but also carry the plan faster by having people's support. The implementation of the Historic Square Green Square (also called Sabze Meydan) project is a real example of the cooperation of people, officials, business owners, and shopkeepers. The best way to make profits from the tourism industry is by attracting tourists, and that would not be possible unless we renovate city regions and value them. By reviving the identity of cities, we can increase the opportunity of attracting tourists and develop city tourism. Besides, with the income gained from this, we can help to improve the city as much as possible. According to field studies and data collection from the Delphi technique and interviews that we had with tourism experts, tourism professors, and municipal officials involved in the field of tourism and questions raised in the presence of the experts, all realized the effects of tourism on urban restoration and reconstruction. They acknowledged that developing city tourism can directly result in revenue growth. This will also persuade city officials, such as the cultural heritage and the municipality administrators, to use existing potentials to the best of their ability to improve Zanjan's tourism, and this will indirectly revitalize citizens' sense of identity, pride, and sense of belonging.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Urban tourist
  • Recreation
  • Delphi metod
  • Zanjan city
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