برنامه‌ریزی گردشگری ساحلی با رویکرد پایداری محیط (مطالعه موردی: شهرهای ساحلی استان بوشهر)

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 استادیار گروه جغرافیا، دانشگاه پیام نور تهران، ایران

2 کارشناس ارشد جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی شهری، دانشگاه پیام نور، اصفهان، ایران


سودآوری صنعت گردشگری ساحلی سبب شده است تا سرمایه‌گذاری‌های کلان و روزافزون جهانی در این حوزه، درنهایت منجر به تهدید پایداری مناطق ساحلی شود. در کشور ایران نیز به‌منظور رهایی از اقتصاد متکی به نفت، در سال‌های اخیر سرمایه‌گذاری در این حوزه افزایش‌یافته است که این امر پرداختن به پایداری مناطق ساحلی را ضروری ‌می‌نماید. این پژوهش باهدف ارائه برنامه‌ریزی راهبردی به‌منظور دستیابی به اهداف گردشگری ساحلی با تأکید بر پایداری منابع محیطی موجود در استان بوشهر انجام‌شده است. روش تحقیق به‌صورت توصیفی- تحلیلی است و جمع‌آوری داده‌ها با استفاده از روش‌های میدانی مانند مشاهده و پرسشنامه است و به‌منظور تحلیل نتایج نیز از روش مثلث فولر برای وزن دهی به منابع و قابلیت‌ها، از مدل برنامه‌ریزی متاسوات برای تهیه نقشه‌های رقابتی و راهبردی و همچنین از تحلیل عاملی به‌منظور تعیین عوامل مؤثر بر توسعه‌ی گردشگری ساحلی پایدار استفاده‌شده است. بر اساس نتایج و از بین منابع موجود، وجود راه ارتباطی و وجود جزایر متعدد باقابلیت گردشگری بیشترین و همگن بودن ساکنین ازنظر آداب‌ورسوم کمترین اهمیت رادارند. بر اساس نقشه رقابتی، شهر بوشهر ازنظر دارا بودن زیرساخت‌های گردشگری و شهر دیّر ازنظر پتانسیل‌های جذب گردشگر برتری نسبی دارند. بر اساس نقشه راهبردی، وجود جزایر متعدد با پتانسیل گردشگری در شهر ساحلی دیّر تناسب راهبردی بیشتری با اهداف موردنظر دارد همچنین بر اساس نتایج تحلیل عاملی، عامل «محدودیت‌های کلان» با مقدار ویژه 3.88 و تبیین 21.5 درصد از واریانس مجموع عوامل، بیشترین تأثیر در عدم دستیابی به اهداف گردشگری پایدار ساحلی دارد.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Strategic planning of coastal tourism based on environment sustainability (case study: Coastal Cities of Boushehr province)

نویسندگان [English]

  • Mohsen Saghaei 1
  • aghil gankhaki 2
  • Fahimeh Fadaei Jozzi 2
1 Assistant professor of geography group, Payam Noor university, Tehran, Iran,
2 Masters of geography and urban planning, Payam Noor university, Tehran, Iran
چکیده [English]

The profitability of the coastal tourism industry has led to growing global investment in this field, ultimately threatening the sustainability of coastal areas. In Iran, in order to get rid of the oil-dependent economy, recently invested in this field has increased, so it's necessary to address the sustainability of coastal areas. The main purpose of this study was to provide strategic planning to achieve the goals of coastal tourism with an emphasis on the sustainability of environmental resources in Bushehr province. The research method is descriptive-analytical and the data is collected using field methods such as observation and questionnaire. In order to analyze the results, the Fuller triangle method has been used to weighting resources and capabilities, the Meta-SWOT has been used to prepare competitive and strategic maps, and also factor analysis has been used to determine the factors affecting on sustainable development of coastal tourism. According to the results of the Fuller Triangle, the existence of the road and multiple islands with potential tourism attracting have the most and the homogeneity of the inhabitants are of the least importance. According to the competitive map, Bushehr has the best tourist attractions in terms of tourism infrastructure and Dayyer coastal city in terms of tourism attraction potentials. According to the strategic map, the existence of multiple islands with tourism potential in the Dayyer coastal city has a more strategic fit with the goals. According to the results of factor analysis, the factor of constraints with a specific value of 3.88 and explaining 21.5% of the total variance of the factors have the greatest impact on achieving sustainable coastal tourism goals.
Extended Abstract
Tourism is one of the fast-growing economic sectors in the world, and in some of the countries known as the first economy, but this industry has raised concerns about socio-cultural, economic and environmental impacts, such as destruction of resources like Coral and biodiversity, pollution of water resources, coastal erosion, social developments and loss of cultural resources and the special feature of the destination, increased migration and population density of coastal areas. In Iran, in recent years, efforts have been made to optimally use existing resources and capacities by replacing revenue sources such as tourism. In this regard, Bushehr province can have a significant role in planning and attracting tourists by having a long sandy coastline, having a suitable landscape, protected areas and also the proximity of several large and small islands and also having suitable climatic conditions in the cold months of the year could have a major role in attracting tourist. In this regard, the main purpose of the present study is to provide a strategic plan for the development of sustainable tourism in coastal cities according to environmental sustainability. Accordingly, the main research questions were based on which coastal city of Bushehr province has the most suitable investment potential for tourism development and which factor is the most important obstacle among the factors to achieving sustainable tourism. Accordingly, the first hypothesis is that the coastal city of Dayyer has a better position for the development of sustainable coastal tourism due to the existing potentials. Also, the second hypothesis is that among the investigated factors in the lack of development of sustainable coastal tourism in the coastal city of Dayyer, the limiting factors have the greatest impact.
The type of research is descriptive-analytical and based on the purpose its practical. In this study, there are two types of statistical population and the first statistical population of this research is experts related to coastal tourism in Bushehr province and the second statistical community is environmental experts and beach tourism development activists. The volume of sample study was determined by theoretical saturation of 45 experts for the first questionnaire and 130 specialists for the second questionnaire. In order to determine the weight of indicators use the Fuller triangle and also to provide a strategy for the development of sustainable coastal tourism, based on available resources, the Meta_SWOT model has been used. Also, in order to determine the most influential factor among the existing factors as the main obstacle to the development of sustainable coastal tourism, factor analysis has been used in SPSS software.
Results and discussion:
According to the results of the Fuller Triangle weighting method, among the available resources and capabilities, fishing activity and the numerous existing islands with tourism potential with the weights of 10.4 and 9.8, respectively, have the highest weight. Also, the homogeneity of the residents in terms of culture and beliefs with a weight of 5.2 has the lowest weight. Also, based on the results of the Meta-SWOT, Bushehr Coastal city in the field of infrastructure and coastal city due to its numerous tourist attractions have better position than other coastal city in related to coastal tourism. Also, among the resources and capabilities, "fishing activity" is the most strategic fit, and "numerous islands with tourism potential" is in second place. Among the limiting factors, "pollution from industrial activities" and "one-dimensional economy at the national and regional levels" has the greatest deterrent power in achieving goals. To determine the most influential factor in the obstacle development of sustainable coastal tourism in, among the influential indicators and the results of factor analysis after the rotation of factors by Varimax method, the first to fourth factors explain a total of 66.53% of the total variance. The first factor with a specific value of 3.88, including variables such as bad weather in summer, lack of systematic study and planning, cultural and religious issues and pollution from industrial activities, has covered 21.59% of the total variance. Given the available variables, the title "limiting factors" can be chosen for this factor.
Due to the change in the country's planning approach to increasing economic diversity and the optimal and maximum use of all environmental capabilities in order to achieve sustainable local and regional development, coastal tourism has received more and more attention. Based on the results, the resources available in relation to sustainable coastal tourism are of varying importance, and the existence of communication routes and transport infrastructure is of paramount importance. According to the competitive plan, the coastal city of Bushehr has a better position in terms of tourism infrastructure and the coastal city of in terms of existing tourism potentials. This confirms the accuracy of the first research hypothesis. This suggests that in order to achieve balanced and balanced planning, the concentration of infrastructure and the availability of resources and capabilities are currently aren't match and the concentration of infrastructure should be commensurate with the available resources and capabilities. Also, based on the results of factor analysis and confirmed the second hypothesis, in order to plan sustainable coastal tourism in the coastal city of Dayyer, macroeconomic restrictions such as attracting capital, neutralizing economic sanctions should be given priority and with targeted planning these restrictions should be reduced.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Strategic Planning
  • Sustainable Coastal Tourism
  • Coastal City of Boushehr Province
  • Meta-SWOT
  • Factor Analysis
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