توانمندسازی و ایجاد کارآفرینی روستایی در محیط های کسب و کار کوچک (مورد: دهستان آیسین- شهرستان بندرعباس)

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


استادیار رشته مدیریت کار آفرینی دانشگاه پیام نور


در جهان امروز تفکر کارآفرینی و استفاده از آن در سازمان­ها امری اجتناب ناپذیر است. اندیشمندان رواج دهنده‌ی توسعه‌ی روستایی، کارآفرینی را به منزله‌ی یک مداخله‌ی راهبردی می‌دانند که می­تواند فرایند توسعه‌ی روستایی را تسریع بخشد، اما به نظر می‌رسد که همگی آنها بر نیاز به گسترش بنگاه‌های اقتصادی روستایی نیز توافق دارند. امروزه با توجه به مشکلات موجود در این جوامع، توجه و تأکید بر کارآفرینی روستایی، اهمیت زیادی دارد؛ زیرا کارآفرینی می­تواند با خلق فرصت­های جدید اشتغال و درآمد، نقش مؤثری در بهبود وضع اقتصادی و معیشتی روستاها داشته باشد. به منظور توانمندسازی افراد مستعد برای کارآفرین شدن، باید فعالیت های کارآفرینانه را ترویج داده، روحیه کارآفرینی را پرورش داد و در نهایت محیطی کارآفرینانه حاکم گردانید. این امر مستلزم شناخت، تبیین و تشریح مفهوم و فرایند کارآفرینی روستایی در کسب و کار از طریق توانمندسازی افراد مستعد و دارای کمترین منابع مالی و اقتصادی می­باشد. تحقیق حاضر از نوع اکتشافی و از نظر روش توصیفی- تحلیلی می­باشد. جمع­آوری اطلاعات از مطالعات کتابخانه ای و پیمایش میدانی (پرسشنامه، مصاحبه و مشاهده) استفاده شده است. مکان این تحقیق دهستان آیسین از توابع بخش مرکزی شهرستان بندرعباس می­باشد. جامعه آماری سرپرستان خانوارهای این دهستان می­باشد که تعداد 184 خانوار از طریق فرمول کوکران به عنوان حجم نمونه برای تکمیل پرسشنامه تعیین گردید که به طور تصادفی در جامعه مورد مطالعه انتخاب شده اند. پرسشنامه تحقیق در 4 مؤلفه و 32 معرف مربوط به وضعیت گسترش کارآفرینی و اشتغال روستایی تدوین شد. به منظور تجزیه و تحلیل اطلاعات به دست آمده و پاسخ به سؤال تحقیق از آمار توصیفی و تحلیل عاملی به شیوه تحلیل مؤلفه­های اصلی در نرم­افزار SPSS استفاده گردید.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Empowering and Creating Rural Entrepreneurship in Small Business Environment Case Study of Hormozgan Province Villages

نویسنده [English]

  • ali shojaeifard
Ph.D. Student of Entrepreneurship Management Research Institute
چکیده [English]

    In today's world, entrepreneurial thinking and its use in organizations is inevitable. Just as the birth and death of organizations depend on the insights, insights, and abilities of their founders, their growth and survival depend on factors such as their ability, creativity and innovation. If the planners, decision makers and staff of an entrepreneurial organization are, they will better understand the economic opportunities and be able to use the resources available to innovate and thus grow faster and survive in the competitive arena. Rural development institutions and figures see entrepreneurship as a strategic intervention that can accelerate the rural development process, but they all seem to agree on the need to expand rural businesses.In order to empower individuals to become entrepreneurs, they must promote entrepreneurial activities, foster an entrepreneurial spirit, and ultimately establish an entrepreneurial environment. This requires understanding, explaining, and explaining the concept and process of rural entrepreneurship in business by empowering talented individuals with the least financial and economic resources. The present study is an exploratory and descriptive-analytic one. Librarian studies and field surveys (questionnaires, interviews and observations) were used to collect data in the study area. The location of this study is Aysin rural center of central Bandar Abbas and the statistical population of this study is household heads of households. The research questionnaire was compiled in Four components and thirty tow indicators related to the status of entrepreneurship development and rural employment. Descriptive statistics and factor analysis using SPSS software were used to analyze the data and to answer the research question.
Keywords: Rural Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship in Business, Empowerment, Business Environment,
Extended Abstract
         Today, the role of the Internet in speeding up communication, information transfer and access to the information society of rural businesses has also changed. In general, some areas of entrepreneurship in small towns and cities include agriculture, livestock, food production, indigenous production, etc. By launching various businesses in these areas, you can create employment and meet the needs of the people in that small community. And, on the other hand, to earn an income commensurate with the services provided. Entrepreneurship is one of the important tools for planning and achieving the development of rural communities. Entrepreneurship can play an important role in improving the economic and livelihoods of villages by creating new employment and income opportunities.The important thing about entrepreneurship in small towns and cities is to consider the environmental conditions, capacities and characteristics of the people and the region. In fact, by examining such conditions it is possible to set up the right business according to the needs of the community. Working in industries such as apparel, apparel, and knitting can create jobs, meet the needs of residents, and make money. In addition, setting up agricultural-related businesses is also of great importance and is considered as a source of supply for people's daily needs. In addition, training courses in production, agriculture and crop development have an important role to play in improving the rural business environment. On the other hand, animal husbandry is one of the main pillars of the rural economy and a very good option for entrepreneurship. It is also possible to create employment in rural areas by mechanizing treatment and adherence to animal health principles.
In the field of sport, entrepreneurship is also possible by launching the necessary facilities, and in addition to creating employment for some rural community residents, untapped talents in various branches of sport can be discovered. Planning for job creation in rural health, setting up health centers and supplying needed health care is another area that is considered as a field for entrepreneurship in the village. In fact, entrepreneurship in this field not only increases the level of health of the rural community, but also leads to economic prosperity in this area. The growing role of internet businesses is undeniable, so it is possible to implement different rural projects by providing the right infrastructure, utilizing startup spaces, and so on.
        The present study is an exploratory and descriptive-analytic one. Librarian studies and field surveys (questionnaires, interviews and observations) were used to collect data in the study area. The location of this research is the Aysin village in central Bandar Abbas. The total population of the village was 4465 in 1395, of which 3205 were between 15 and 64 years of age. Of these, 1611 were men and 1594 were women, with 905 households residing. In this village there is a population working in agriculture and services which shows that the percentage of agricultural workers is higher than other sectors in comparison to the study area and this indicates that the The sector is comparable to other sectors including industry and services. The number of unemployed is 602, of which 416 are men and 186 women. The statistical population of the study is the heads of households in this village. 184 households were selected through Cochran formula as sample size to complete the questionnaire which were randomly selected in the study population.
Results and discussion:                                                                                                               
      Factors and variables of this study are: Infrastructure, Economics, Knowledge and Knowledge, Self-Confidence, Individual Creativity, Innovation and Creativity, Physical Infrastructure, and Facility Accessibility, which were determined by SPSS software. All of these have a positive and significant role in the success of rural entrepreneurship.
         Improvement and development of suitable public infrastructure in the village such as water, electricity, gas, use of appropriate telecommunication infrastructure, bank post, availability of vehicles for transport to market and sales centers infrastructure, skilled and knowledgeable manpower Experience in starting new businesses in the village, making it possible for investors to properly use new businesses in terms of individual capacities and capabilities is crucial. Economic development in rural areas requires new strategies that can be achieved by developing entrepreneurship and enabling environmental policies. Use of credit facilities for small businesses, access to loans for various businesses, availability of funds for doing business, number of local production networks at the village level, granting special facilities and grants to disadvantaged activists. Access to the right market for the supply of local and indigenous products to consumers has increased. Empowerment can provide a good starting point for establishing a small business in the rural areas of Hormozgan province and starting talented people. Of course, the proper process must be defined from the start to the support and stabilization of each job specified in the process presented. These programs have enabled the redistribution of income and increased self-employment and, consequently, increased production, income, and reduced unemployment and the prevention of migration from the countryside to the poor because of the provision of appropriate financial services and services to poorer groups of society. In order to empower individuals to become entrepreneurs, they must promote entrepreneurial activities, foster an entrepreneurial spirit, and ultimately establish an entrepreneurial environment. This requires understanding, explaining, and explaining the concept and process of rural entrepreneurship in small businesses in the villages of Hormozgan province through empowering talented individuals with the least financial and economic resources.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Rural Entrepreneurship in Hormozgan Province
  • Entrepreneurship in Business
  • Empowerment
  • Business Environment
  • Self-sufficiency


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