تحلیل فضایی وضعیت زناشویی در نواحی شهری و روستایی ایران

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دانشیار گروه جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی شهری، دانشگاه مازندران، بابلسر، ایران

2 دانشجوی دکتری جغرافیا و برنامه ریزی شهری، دانشگاه زنجان، زنجان، ایران


      جغرافیای ازدواج، به مطالعة رفتار و الگوهای عمومی ازدواج و نظام خانواده و تغییرهای فضایی - زمانی آن می پردازد. هدف از این پژوهش تحلیل فضایی پراکنش نماگرهای وضعیت زناشویی در نواحی شهری و روستایی ایران می­باشد. پژوهش حاضر از نظر هدف کاربردی و از نظر روش توصیفی - تحلیلی می­باشد. در جمع­آورى اطلاعات از روش کتابخانه­اى و اسنادى استفاده شده ­و شاخص­های مقاله بر اساس داده­های خام سرشماری عمومی نفوس و مسکن در سال 1395 محاسبه شده است. به­منظور بررسى ویژگی­هاى فضایى وضعیت زناشویی در نواحی شهری و روستایی ایران، از شاخص­های درصد افراد دارای همسر، درصد افراد بی­همسر بر اثر فوت، درصد افراد بی­همسر بر اثر طلاق و درصد افراد هرگز ازدواج نکرده استفاده شده ­است. برای تحلیل فضایی شاخص­های وضعیت زناشویی از روش­های لکه­ های داغ و خودهمبستگی فضایی موران در محیط نرم­افزار Arc Gis استفاده شده ­است. نتایج روش لکه­های داغ نشان می­دهد، تمرکز افراد متأهل در نواحی شمالی به مراتب بیشتر از نواحی جنوبی کشور است، ولی تمرکز افراد هرگز ازدواج نکرده، در نیمة ­جنوبی کشور به­ویژه جنوب شرق، جنوب غرب و غرب کشور از مقادیر بیشتری برخوردار بوده و خوشة فضایی قوی­تری تشکیل داده است. همچنین تمرکز افراد بی­همسر بر اثر فوت در نواحی شمال غرب، شمال شرق، مرکز و غرب و تمرکز افراد بی­همسر بر اثر طلاق در شمال و شمال شرق کشور بیشتر از سایر نواحی کشور بوده است. در مجموع 8/63 درصد از جمعیت 10 ساله و بیشتر کشور دارای همسر (متأهل)، 1/4 درصد بی همسر بر اثر فوت (بیوه) ، 7/1 درصد بی همسر بر اثر طلاق (مطلّقه) و 3/30 درصد هرگز ازدواج نکرده ­اند.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Spatial Analysis of Marital status in Urban and Rural Areas of Iran

نویسندگان [English]

  • Amer Nikpour 1
  • milad hasanalizadeh 2
1 Associate Professor of Geography & Urban Planning, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran
2 Phd Student of Geography & Urban Planning, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran
چکیده [English]

The marriage geography, will pay the general behavior and patterns of marriage and the family system and changes of spatial - time. The purpose of the present research is to spatial analysis of distribution of marital status indicators in urban and rural areas of Iran. The present research is applied in terms purpose, and is descriptive-analytic in terms the method. In the library and documentary method has been used to collect information and the indexes of the paper is calculated based on raw data of general census of population and housing of the year 2016. In order to study the spatial characteristics of the marital status in urban and rural areas of Iran, has been used in indicators of the percentage of people with a spouse, the percentage of homeless people by death, the percentage of homeless people by divorce and the Percentage of people never married. For spatial analysis of marital status indices, has been used hot spots and spatial autocorrelation moran methods in the Arc Gis software environment. The results of the hot spots method show that the concentration of married people in the northern areas is far more than the southern areas of the country, but the concentration of the never married people has more values in the southern half of the country, especially in the south east, southwest and west, and has formed a stronger spatial cluster. Also, the concentration of homeless people by death in the northwest, northeast, center, and west areas and the concentration of homeless people by divorce in the north and northeast of the country was more than other areas of the country.
Extended Abstract
         Marriage is one of the vital events that has a direct impact on the structure, composition and evolution of the population in each land. In geography science, category the geography of marriage studies the behavior and public patterns of marriage and the family system and its temporal spatial variations. Increased urbanization, the breakdown of extended family and kinship networks, increased public literacy and education, especially education of women and their greater involvement in extracurricular activities, increased cost of living, particularly housing, marriage and dowry, reduced economic value and increased child cost, Relative prevalence of rational thinking and diffusion of innovations have been effective factors in marital status change in Iranian population. Decreasing marital incarceration is a threat to reproduction and community health. The present study seeks to identify the spatial patterns of marital status indicators in urban and rural areas of Iran, which is a prelude to future research in the sphere of marital status geography.
      The present research is applied in terms purpose and is descriptive - analytic in terms method. In the library and documentary method has been used to collect information and the indexes of the paper is calculated based on raw data of general census of population and housing of the year 2016. In order to study the spatial characteristics of the marital status in urban and rural areas of Iran, has been used in indicators of the percentage of people with a spouse, the percentage of homeless people by death, the percentage of homeless people by divorce and the Percentage of people never married. These indices are calculated in Excel software environment and then transferred to Arc Gis software environment for spatial analysis. For spatial analysis of marital indices in urban and rural areas of Iran, hot spots and moran spatial autocorrelation methods were used. Finally, the distribution of marital indicators across provinces and then across the country is examined.
Results and discussion:
In index of the percentage of people with a spouse, focus on married people is higher in the northern half of the country than in the southern half of the country. In index of the percentage of homeless people by death, the northeast and northwestern regions of the country have significantly higher values than the southwestern and western parts of the country. In index of percentages of divorced people, the North and North-East regions are far higher than the rest of the country. In index of the percentage of people never married, the southern half of the country has a higher proportion than the northern half, financial bottlenecks and economic insecurity can be one of the most important obstacles. Also the spatial distribution of all four marital indices follows the cluster pattern.
       A survey of marital indicators across the country also revealed that 63.8% of the population aged 10 years and over have spouses. 4.1% are widowed and 1.7% are divorced. Also, 30.3% have never been married. Also the percentage of never married men (34.4%) is higher than women (26.2%) which this may be due to the high unemployment and low income of young men, which is a serious obstacle to marriage. According to the results of the study, the most important issue in the marital status of Iran is the high percentage of people never married. Therefore, the most important solution to tackle the high percentage of never-married people, especially in the southern half of the country, is to create economic prosperity and employment in these areas so as to alleviate the marriage shortage by providing minimum prerequisites for marriage, especially for young and single men, pinch Marriage diminishes and relish to it grows.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Spatial analysis
  • marital status
  • marital indices
  • urban and rural areas of Iran
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